Friday, January 25, 2008

The Beginning

Okay, we have jumped on the bandwagon and decided to start a blog. (Inspired by Megan,Kirby and Jeff) Plus I figured this would be the easiest way to keep everyone informed of what chaos is happening with us. Now that we have two kids I can keep updating pictures and information to all of you and not have to worry about who Ive talked to. And Im new at this so we will see how I do!!! Anyways here it goes:

As I'm sure that most of you know, William turned 2 years old on the 19th of January. He had decided about a week before that he was turning 2 so he has been making alot of his own choices lately. One of these choices is that he has decided to give up little bit of his own "dolphin talk" language (that we have been trying to figure out for some time and can't) and learn to talk so that people can understand him. He has been able to tell us when he wants a "cookie" and he can say "doggie" pretty well but that is about the two best words that he can say. I'm not sure what happened with our son on the day of his birthday but he woke up as happy as could be and played well and was a very good boy most of the morning. He went down for a nap so that he would be rested for his party that night and slept for about two hours. When he woke up he came out of bedroom looking a little bewildered. Drew asked him if he was ready to go to his birthday party and plain as day he looks at Drew and I and says "No". I looked at drew and he looked at me, I asked Drew if he just said No and Drew said I think so. It was news to us because neither of us had heard him say no before. Amazing since he tends to hear that word alot now. Every thing that we said to him for about an hour after he woke up, the answer was No. I couldn't believe it. Will turns 2,takes a nap, and wakes up saying No to everything. I think that we are going to have our work cut out for us.

Other, than that I think he had a great time at his party, we had a pinata that he tried really hard to break, and received numerous toys to play with, which he has had a blast with. Since his birthday he has expanded his vocabulary quite a bit already. He now says "shoe" pretty clearly, "baby", "go", and we think that he says "food" since that is usually what he is pointing to, he also says "clue" from watching Blue's Clues and he has a new favorite show on PBS called Word World that when the spell a word Will points to the letter and says the sound "T" for every letter. Its quite funny to watch him but I'm glad that he is at least making an attempt.

As for Wyatt he is getting bigger everyday. He is now 5 weeks old and is doing great. He is holding his head up pretty steadily on his own and looking around taking everything in. He is starting to recognize people and he started smiling last week, he looks like he really wants to say something and makes a small little cooing noise. It is pretty cute. He handles his brother pretty well since Will keeps pretty good tabs on his little brother. He is a pretty laid back baby and doesn't get upset to often unless he's hungry. He has already slept through the night twice (about 6 -6 1/2 hrs) and is growing like a weed. He seems to be a content little guy and is getting quite a bit of attention from his family and of course his big brother.

Well that is about all that has been going on recently, will post more soon I'm sure.