Sunday, June 22, 2008

Boys will be Boys

Here I am again wondering how the time has flown by so fast and I haven't posted on here for almost a month. I guess that trying to keep two boys from injuring themselves takes up more time than I realize. Things here have been alright, since Memorial Day weekend our area has had a lot of rain, which unfortunately ended up in our basement. We didn't have anything valuable ruined except the carpet in the spare room that Adam is living in. So it could have been much worse. The plus side is that we haven't had to water out grass at all yet and that everything is so green it is unbelievable. It looks amazing here right now.

It has been a busy month for us here. We have started to potty train Will, which is not very easy to do. He got the hang of it in about 2 days, but since then is not always the best at letting us know when he needs to go potty. The alternative to that is that he wants to go potty all the time, since he gets a M&M if he goes in the potty. He was doing really well and then he fell off the wagon and we aren't back on quite yet, and of course he will usually only go for mommy so that makes it fun too.

Will also got to go and see his favorite cartoon at the moment. Thomas the Train came to Hill City and we took him up there on father's day to ride he train and play. He absolutely loved it and as you can see he takes his train rides seriously. He ran straight for Thomas when he first saw him and kept saying choo choo train. He was scared of Sir Topham Hatt though, he screamed when they were there getting their picture, the one you see was the only one I could get. He had a great time and was pooped after being there only 2 hours. I never thought I would see the day that I didn't have to watch Word World 5 times a day, and now I think that Thomas might drive me nuts as we have to watch all waking hours of the day.

So serious on the train

Scared of Sir Topham Hatt

Watching the train ride

Waving from the train car

Will also had a life changing event happen when he let Drew buzz his head. He has always been scared of the clippers when he gets his hair cut and finally he let Drew shave it all off after he saw daddy do it. It was not the cut I had in mind, I wanted "spikey" hair. Needless to say that if Drew shaves his head again there will be more hair on my son's head than there is now. That is if I let Drew shave his head again. Drew will contest that I told him to do it this way, but do any of you see "spikey" out of this haircut?? Didn't think so.

Wyatt has been growing by leaps and bounds. He has really discovered his voice now and is sure to let us hear it at every opportunity. He is trying to sit up but isn't very good with the balance thing yet, he tend to topple over alot still. However the little bugger has begun to crawl. I have never seen a baby this little creep or crawl like this child does. Man if he sees something that he wants he will get to it. he doesn't even really bother with rolling all over the place to get where he wants, he just scoots now.

He sure is cute with his toothless grin as he is trying to talk to us now. He has even been trying to stand on his own, but the balance thing gets him everytime. He is eating baby food like its going out of style and is going to eat me out of the house when he is older.

That is about all the buzz going on here, I attached some cute videos, Will trying to ski on our Wii and the others are of Wyatt jumping or crawling. Also enjoy the kissing pics.

Post more soon. Enjoy!!

Sleeping Pluggie Boys