Thursday, August 21, 2008

We've been busy

Even though we havent gone anywhere for vacation this summer it sure has been busy around here lately. The boys have been busy causing mischief all over the house and amongst each other, which is to be expected. Wyatt is now quite a crusier and seems to get into everything. Of course he has his big brother to watch and Will is not the best role model for staying out of trouble. As you can see from the pic below this is what Wyatt has to learn from.....

Will decided he needed to look out the window while I was changing Wyatt's diaper and being the monkey that he is climbed up the drawers to see the backyard. Sometimes I catch him sitting in the sink "cleaning" it according to him. Hopefully he will continue to want to "help" with the dishes that will soon be in that sink.

Will is getting so big though, he is really starting to talk and has been communicating his favorite foods to us like "pop tart" which sounds like "tot tart", "milk" which requires him to get the Hersheys syrup out of the fridge because he wants chocolate milk, and his new obsession with chicken nuggets that are shaped like dinosaurs. He tells us who he wants to watch when he is ready to watch TV and he is becoming polite when he wants to be. If you pass a McDonalds or are int he drivethru for fast food he immediatly says "french fries" and thank you after you have ordered them. Spoiled much?
We went down to Hermosa for a parade a couple weeks ago and Will got to ride his cousins horse. At first he didn't want to get on top of the horse, then after he finnaly got up there he wouldn't touch the horse only the saddlehorn. My sister led hiim around a little and then he wouldn't get off. Later that day we went to my dad;s house and went out to check on the cows since Will's new thing is that anything that isnt a dog that stand on four legs is a cow. He was pretty excited and he even got to drive the truck..

Wyatt has been growing by leaps and bounds, he is now 16 lbs 1 oz and 29.5 inches long. HE is still the happiest baby and takes getting beat up pretty well. He sure is cruising around now, he like to pull himself up on everything and explore his surroundings. He is really liking to put things in a bucket and take them back out again. The kid is entertained for hours. However he sure is a mamas boy. He will only let me out him to sleep and then wont let me lay him down in his crib. If I do he wakes up about 3 minutes after I laid him down, but if I lay right next to him and dont touch him he will fall right to sleep. Go figure. He really only wants either his mama or his grandma ann if she is around then he just wants to be held. It is a good thing he is a cute kid.

When I mentioned exploring earlier, he has been watching his brother go through the dog door and one of these days he will go through it too, Im just not sure he will ever get back in.

He also got his first shiner the other day at daycare, he was playing on a chair and it got the best of him, the next picture kinda shows the bruise that was right above his right eye. It sure made him look tough, it made you wonder what the other kid looked like.

He he is being a cool guy with his glasses and pluggie

We have just been busy trying to keep stuff clean around here and everyone in one piece, Drew has slowed down a little now so he is home more, which is nice. Nothing new with me, I was sick with bronchitus a few weeks ago and I think my lungs are still recovering but oter than that we are still boring. Will post again soon, (hopefully)