Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Will turns 3 !!!!

It finally happened, Will has turned 3. He is such a big boy now. It is hard to believe that Drew and I have kept him alive this long. HA HA!! He really has changed lately he is talking so much better now and is talking in sentences. He likes to tell us that he loves us alot and also that "Wyatt is cute". He has become quite the conisuier of food. He is very much into toaster waffles, tractor snacks (fruit snacks), chocolate milk and many others. He is pretty much potty trained now and likes to go potty himself. He especially like to wear underwear now, but only his "Mickey Mouse" underwear. He has certainly developed his opinions since turning three, but he has been a lot of fun lately.

His birthday was a great success. He recieved many presents and loves every single one of them. He was a little afraid of the balloons that we had at the party, but after we hid them he did much better. He liked his birthday cake and blew out all three candles. It was a "Mickey Mouse" cake of course. Here are some pics from the party.........

Happy Birthday Will

Hugging cousins

Roller Skates...there's a broken arm

Wyatt is eating us out of house and home. He eats everything Will eats plus 2. He will eat anything and I havent found anything that he wont eat. He is getting big too, last week he wasnt feling good again and when i took him in the doctor thought that he had strep. A day after medicines he has been back to his old self and a very happy baby. He has been alot of fun too.

Pudding Face

Giddy Up

Things here are pretty much the same, we did go to Sioux Falls over the weekend to watch Leah's Roller Derby bout and I got some really good pictures of her. I will try to post some of them next time if I can. We had a good trip and saw Grandma Simmons and she sure did spoil the kids well. We hope to get down there again soon. Other than that we are pretty boring, just trying to keep the house clean and the kids alive. Will post again soon, enjoy the pics........
Will inside his new toy box
Will playing Hulk Hands with Daddy

This is how they were sleeping ..poor Wyatt

Will decided to dress himself, worked real well!!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas Morning

I cant get the Christmas Morning video on here but here are a few others of Wyatt eating cake batter off of a spatula and of Will eating something off the floor in his own way!!! Enjoy!!!

There are some other recent posts below this one so make sure that you check those out too!!!!

Happy New Year!!!!

I promised in the last blog that I would post pictures from Christmas and Wyatt's first birthday, so I thought that I would make good on my promise. Im also blogging sooner than I thought I would be able to since my new year's resolution is to keep up the blog a little better than last year (ha ha).

Anyway, the entire month of December was not that great to us here. we took Wyatt into the doctor for his well baby check up on 12-4 and found out that he had an ear infection. At that time it was no big deal and it was the first time that he had been sick. He was on an antibiotic and things were going fine. The next Wednesday (12-10) my daycare called and thought that Will might have pink eye and thought that I should take him in. So I did and we found out that Will also had ear infection. Again not a big deal weve done this before, I stayed home with Will the next day and when I woke up I thought my throat was bleeding, it hurt so bad. I went to the doctor and was told I didnt have anything but just in case I did put me on antibiotics too. The next day we threw Ann a birthday party or her 50th birthday and I practically had no voice. It was quite comical listening to me trying to greet guests and talk to people. The next day Saturday (12-13) I had no voice at all. People that called on the phone that day laughed at me too. It was really hard to take care of the kids when I couldnt yell or talk to them. I had to stay close to them all day to keep them safe. Everyone seemed healthy and life went on until Wednesday (12-17) and Wyatt got sick again. I took him in and found out that he had ear infection again. So again we got another antibiotic and started over. Wyatt was doing a little better until Saturday night at his birthday party he got a fever and wasnt feeling well again.
We took him in again on Monday (12-22) and he tested negative for everything (strep and mono) but the doctor thought he might actually have strep so we again started another medicine and tried again. Wyatt ran a fever of 102 to 104.5 from Saturday night continuously until Christmas Eve night. I had to take him in again on Christmas Eve morning and they gave him an antibiotic shot to help him get over whatever it was that he had. He started to feel better on Christmas Day so that was a huge relief. They never did figure out what he had, they just called it viral. So everything was going well and on Friday night (12-26) Will began running a fever just like Wyatt did and was sick. Drew took him in the next day and he started a new medication. He ran a fever from Friday night until Mondy morning and then was fine. We have spent so much time at the Doctor this month they all know our names. Im just glad that everyone is feeling better now.
Back to Wyatt's birthday, he turned one on 12-19 and boy has he changed since that day. Other than being sick he has certainly shown us his personality. He lets us kow when he doesnt like something or when something isnt going his way. Im beginning to worry about how much he eats because he either has a tape worm or a hollow leg. He would sit all day and eat if he didnt get bored in the highchair. Now he cant get enough Rice Krispies and he has to have whatever anyone else is eating. He is a good eater, but Im worried about his teenage years and how much im gonna have to buy in groceries to keep him fed if he eats this much already.
He had a Mickey Mouse birthday party and was spoiled rotten of course. He got lots of good presents (that his brother loves to play with) and did really well when it came to his smash cake. He first barley put his fingers in it then he went face first and just sat in it. It looked like he was breathing in cake when he would go in or a bite. You could see his cheeks moving but his head would stay still. It was so funny and cute all at the same time. He had a lot of cousins at his party and I think he had a good time at least until he got his fever. Here are some pics......
One of Wyatt's favorite presents was his very own baby boy. He loves his baby and will usually lay down and go to sleep if I let him hold it. He likes to carry it around and hug and kiss it alot too.

Christmas was fun this year since Will understood it a little bit more. He was asking for Santa alot and would call for him by saying "Santa, Santa, HO HO HO", it was really cute. We took the kids to see Santa at the mall but they werent very amused by him. Probably because they werent feeling good.

They both had a good Christmas getting spoiled and they got lots of new toys to play with. I think that they will want to do it again next year!!! Here are som more oics for Christmas and Im going to try and post a video from Christmas morning of them seeing their Santa gifts and opening their presents from Grandpa and Grandma Simmons and family. If it doesnt fit on this post I will post it in another one. Anyway until next time..... Enjoy the pics!!!!!!