Sunday, September 13, 2009

Busy boys

Here are some video clips that we took......Enjoy!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Bye Bye Summer

The happiest kid in the world!!!

Now that summer is over and the days are getting cooler, I can only hope that things will slow down a little and I can possibly get caught up on some stuff around the house. Although I cant complain, we had a great summer and when I think that we really didnt do anything special, I look back on the pictures that I took and we really did do alot. A couple of trips to the Flintstones, Old Macdonalds Farm, Storybook Island, Custer County Fair, and even just a few of our little wagon walks around the neighborhood. Ive noticed that I have missed posting some pics from earlier this summer, but I am going to try and post as many of them as I can and some videos too.

The boys continue to grow and grow, Wyatt is getting to be almost as tall as Will and I am very sure that they will be wearing the same size clothes by the end of the winter if not sooner. Will is really starting to talk alot more and amazes me with the things that he says. His new thing is to walk into a room that you are in and ask "what you doing?" He also has an obsession right now with Taco John's. (Thanks Shen) I think that he could eat tacos every night if I would let him. (Although I dont blame him!!!) But as long as they make fruit snacks I think that we will be ok!!!

He has really discovered his independence since he figured out how to open the baby gate and also the gate to the backyard. We ended up having to wire the gate shut after I found him and Wyatt trying to run up the sidewalk by themselves. It was a great escape plan at the time!!!!!!

Will has also become more helpful when it comes to carrying things out to the car, he thinks that he is so strong!!!!! If you try to take Wyatt somewhere and not Will you better look out, Will is very protective of Wyatt and tells anyone threatening to take him to "Put Wyatt down NOW" He has been alot better about going to daycare recently and doesnt put up as much of a fight as he used to, maybe he is beginning to grow up!!!

Wyatt has become alot more vocal lately and is really expanding his vocab. He is getting alot easier to understand and he tries to repeat everything that you say. He is so cute when he tries to say watermelon (which he loves) and my favorite thing is when he says his prayers at night, although he tends to get stuck blessing his uncles over and over. ( they might need more than others too Adam!!!) When he finishes his Amen is soooo cute and then he has to clap and say "yea". One of these days Im going to tape it and put it on here but i will have to be sneaky to get it!!

Things here are about the same, Drew is starting to slow down a little so that will be nice to have him around more. Im going to try and get more organized and get my photography business started at the beginning of the year. We will have to see how that goes, having two kids and working part time keeps me pretty busy let alone starting a business, but hopefully all will work out!!!!!!

Now that fall is here, we will be taking more pictures, watching the broncos, and cleaning/updating the house. Hopefully the time wont go by too fast!!!!! Enjoy the pics!!!!!

Daddy and Wyatt spinning

Will and Wyatt waiting patiently for the parade

What a cutie!!!!!!!!!!! Nice Hat!!!!!

Daddy and Wyatt chillin at the parade in Hermosa

Playing with flour.........again

The "Blanket Tent"

The Shake
Jefferson-"Hi, nice to meet you!" so adorable

Nice Band-aid Will

Wyatt learning to play ball