Sunday, February 21, 2010


Trying to see if these will post!

The latest...

One week later and here I am,  Yea! However, we will see how long this lasts! I thought I would post some of the funny videos of hte kids on this one along with some new pics from today. 

One of the videos is of Wyatt trying to sing along with George Strait's "Trubador".  He tries really hard these days to sing along, although he knows none of the words, either way it is cute to see the faces that he makes.
Another one is of his awesome dancing skills.  If he can combine the two, (singing and dancing) we might have a superstar on our hands!

Today we decided to try the skating thing again and see how the boys would do. I think that Drew has hopes of a hockey star in one of our boys, and we might but they need to learn how to skate first. We took the kids to Mcdonalds first as a treat and they were so excited to go inside nad eat for once.  In fact when Will asked me for my cheeseburger over his chicken nuggets, he says to me "Mama, this is the best ever!"  I found that funny until Drew took him to the bathroom.  A little background first... Will is really into the show Wonder Pets right now and they have an duck on there that always says that their problem is serious.  Will and Drew are in the bathroom and Will finishes and the toilet is an automatic flush.  When it flushes all by itself Will looks at Drew and says "This is serious"! We thought that was pretty funny. We had some time to kill so Drew mentioned that we could go honk the horn on the semi at the Ice plant.  So we took the kids down there and let them "honk the horns" on a few of the trucks.  I think that they both were in heaven.  It so funny to see how something so simple can bring such excitement to little kids.  We didnt so that very long since it is still cold here.  I ususally like the cold and the snow, but even I am ready for the warm weather.  Please come soon, I need to kick my kids outside again!

Sorry back to the activities of the day, so after this we go skating.  Will had been protesting going skating all day and didnt want to do it.  After we got there and got going he was doing ok.  He started out with a walker until my niece, Mady got him to ride on it while she pushed.  Mady is a hockey player and can skate extremely well so we thought she could help Will learn to skate.  Yeah he wouldnt go with anyone but his mama.  He was better though until they cleared everyone off the ice and brought out the zamboni. He wanted to leave but decided the "bamboni" (as Will was calling it) was cool and then decided he wanted to skate again.  Wyatt had fallen asleep right after we started skating and Grandma Ann had come long to have some fun, but Wyatt wouldnt let her out if his sight,he decided she had to hold him the majortiy of the time.  When Will went out again, he had found a smaller walker and had then decided that he wanted to skate all by himself.  So we let him and he did pretty good. Skate time was almost over so we left and then Will had a melt down becasue he wanted to go swimming so I told him maybe next weekend, only if mom finds a suit by then!
Here are some pics from our "best ever"trip to Mcdonalds, Honking the horn and skating again today.  Enjoy.....

I cant get the videos on here but I will keep trying!!!

how can you resist this?

big boy

We dont know where this came from

The Three amigos

Horn honkers

Sleepy skater

This is how Wyatt prefers to wear his new underwear.  On the outside!

Will got stuck in here the other day, I dont know how he did this but he did.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Here we go again

I know that it has been a while since I have posted anything on the blog, and if things are completly misspelled I apologize in advance as I am using the new netbook that we bought for Will to use.  I am amazed at how small the netbook is and am finding that things are not in the spot that I think that they are on here!
We have been busy since I last posted but the main reason is that our laptop died and I have been fighting for computer time against Will and occasionally Drew when Rush games are away!  I have some pics and videos that I can post but will probably do so on the next post since none of them are on this computer. 

On to what people come to this blog for...the partners in crime..Will and Wyatt!
Christmas was a huge hit this year and Will still says "Merry Christmas" to me everyday.  When I try to tell him that it is Happy Valentines Day, he tells me "No it's snot."  In fact we made cookies last night for valentines day and Will informed me that it was Christmas because we were making cookies (with cookie cutters).  He says " See Mama I told you, it is Christmas cause we are making cookies."  I wonder if we will completly confuse him when we dye eggs for Easter.

These are some pics from Will's friend Jayda's 4th bday party. It was all of ours first time skating.
Will still amazes us everyday, especially with all things that he says.  His latest thing is to tell us to "calm down" whenever we ask him to do something.  He also likes to tell us that he loves things that he wants now. 
He will say "Mama, I love it!" I think that he thinks that this will get him what he wants.  He has recently decided that he likes to sing.  He especially likes the "I Love You" song by Michael Franti.  He and Wyatt walk around saying "I thing...that I Love You!"  It was cute the first 1000 times I heard it, but now it seems to have lost some of its cuteness.  He loves to play on the computer and loves to play the Wii.  He is pretty good at flying the airplane, I must say.  Will is also very much into the show "The Wonder Pets" and it absolutley drives Drew and me nuts.  That show is awful.I hope that this is very short lived or I might go crazy.

Wyatt is turned into his own person now that he has turned 2.  He is quite the brut and doesnt take anything from anyone, especially his brother.  He is starting to talk more and we are trying to understand him more too.  We have discovered that he does like to scream when he doesnt get his way and tend to do that alot.  He is still very much into cooking and his new thing is to pull the chair up to the counter and try to help you cook.  This is when we hear the most of the screaming because we dont allow him to help and we take the chair away.  Another wonderful thing that Wyatt has recently figured out is how to open the baby gate.  He like to try and escape down to the basement to get pizza's out of the freezer.  The kid is obsessed with pizza right now and pretty much any other kind of food made.  

The boys double bday party was a huge hit.  They both dressed as train conductors and had a great time.  I know that they have played with everyone of their toys because I have picked them all up at least 20 times.  They both loved the "train" cake that I had made. ( I know what most of you are thinking and yes I did make that train cake!)  They both had a good time and also recieved "Train" whistles from Grandma Ann.  They are now offically "train conductors" accordining to Will.  Here are some pics from the bday party

Im going to try and be better agian about posting on here.  If anything Im going to try and at least post the funny comments from Will's new vocabulary since they get to be pretty good sometimes.  Ill try to get more pics on here too!!  Until then.....Enjoy the pics