Friday, May 21, 2010

North Carolina 2010

So I have finally gotten all of our vacation pictures from North Carolina finsihed and looking back on all the pictures, we had such a great time.  The boys are still asking me if we can go to the ocean on a daily basis since they had so much fun there.  They also miss the sun since it has been so rainy and cold here at home.  We had a great time just relaxing and playing on the beach. We had awesome food each night which included more seafood than I have ever eaten in my whole life.  For not being much of a seafood lover, even I can say that it was great food.  It was nice to catch up with Drew's dad and family again.  It has been 2+ years since we have seen them and hopefully we won't wait that long before we see them again. (although I doubt that will happen now that they are both back in the States!)

We took many "treasure hunts" (beach walks) looking for seashells with the boys and Wyatt was such a daddy's boy that Drew couldn't do anything without him.  He would usually start walking on the beach but halfway through, he would make Drew carry him back to the beach house.  He loved the beach though and I know that he can't wait to see Brian and Kelly again!

I should start from the beginning and explain the airplane rides that we went through to get to North Carolina.  Will started about a week before the trip talking about riding on the airplane.  He was so excited about the airplane, he barely got any sleep the night before we left.  As we are sitting in the airport in Rapid waiting to get on the plane, Will is watching some of the other airplanes landing and makes up his own little song:  (To the rhythm of "Pants on the Ground")

"Flying on a plane, Flying on a plane"
"This is serious, This is serious"
"Plane's gonna crash, Plane's gonna crash"
"Get your parachute, Get your parachute"

I look over at Will in astonishment that he made this whole song up by himself, however I look at some of the other passengers in the airport, and I don't think that they were as impressed as I was.  I figured out later that he came up with some of these parts from playing Wii Sports Resort and flying the airplane.  I thought it was kinda funny, and when you put it to the rhythm of pants on the ground, it is pretty funny.   I took some pictures on the plane of the boys, they did pretty good the first flight, Wyatt slept on the second flight and they were ready to be on the ground on the third flight.  They did get to watch a movie on one flight and that helped.  Will was very serious about reading the safety instructions on each flight which was pretty funny,but it was tough to keep the kids in thier own seats without a lot of bribing with candy.  Thank God, we dont fly that much. 

Serious about that safety brochure
Helping a brother out

This is all our stuff we hauled with us

After we got there the boys were very happy to see Grandpa Simmons,Grandma Mary, Brian and Kelly!
We stayed the night in Raleigh and then drove about 2 hours to Emerald Isle, where the beach house that we stayed at was.  The boys ran to the ocean immediately and were a little hesitant to go right in.  It was a little chilly the first day that we were there, so I dont think the ocean was very appealing.  Over the next few days we just stayed at the house and enjoyed playing on the beach, hunting for seashells, taking beach walks and just relaxing.  Here are some pics from the first few days:

Wyatt's first dip in the ocean

Not very happy in the ocean!

Just waiting for the ocean to come and take him away......
and then it flips you over and gets you all wet!

and this is why they call him Magoo!!!!

We were lucky enough to have a school of dolphins that swam by the beach house almost everyday and they would get pretty close to the shore.  Here are a few pics of them and some cool ones of Laura, Leah, Adam and Kelly swimming pretty close to them.

Here are some other fun pictures from some of our trip....

Grandpa Simmons, Will and Brian
living the beach life!
our little wanna be surfer...
Wyatt would tend to run away on the beach with his boogie board, this is what he would look like as he came back...
Grandma Mary and Wyatt
Daddy and Wyatt
Smiley Wyatt
We had a pool at the house that we stayed at too.  We went and bought the boys a little blow-up airplane pool toy, and as you can see it wasn't just for the kids..
Treasure hunting
Will's footprints
Wyatt trying to take the ocean home with him
I'm going home
The birthday party for Adam and Brian

We were about 20 min away from an aquarium that was pretty cool and of course the boys loved it.  They got to touch real Sting rays and saw a diving show inside the shark tank.  I'm pretty sure that the boys favorite thing to do was the Sting Rays but the jellyfish caught their attention too! 

Check out this alligator mom!
Sting rays
Here are some more pics from the rest of our vacation.  We did some family pics on the beach before we left and they turned out pretty good.  There are also images of our lobster night that the boys enjoyed.  Wyatt didn't seem to be scared of the live lobsters as they were pulled out of the box, but Will wouldn't have anything to do with them.  I think he liked seeing them after they were cooked and turned red. We definitely enjoyed our trip and it sure didn't last long enough!
Cooking eggs with Daddy!
Touching the live lobster
Drew and Kelly
My Boys
Grandpa, Wyatt and Daddy

Grandpa and Wyatt resting
Toast to General Simmons
Will checking out the jellyfish on the beach

The treasures!

It took me awhile to get this on the blog since I took close to 600 images on our vacation and being the perfectionist that I am I had to edit all of them before I could put them on here.  We did have a great time and I know that the boys can't wait to see the ocean again.  These are just a few of the fuin things that we did there,but we wanted to share them with everyone....enjoy the pics!!!