Monday, April 18, 2011

Giraffes, Bumper carts and Bears, Oh My.....

I'll begin with our trip to Colorado Springs to go and see Drew's dad and stepmom and kids. We took a 4 day weekend and drove down admist Will's begging that we take an airplane to go and see them.  We took off on Thursday night to see how far that we could get.  We stopped at McDonald's on the way out of town and every thing was fine.  Wyatt spotted every cow on the side of the road and let us know until it got dark.  Will was picking fights with Wyatt until it got dark and then things were very, very quiet.  Right out side of Edgemont Will says "Mom, I threw up."  I look behind me and Will did throw up.  All over himself.  We pulled over on the side of the road and tried to clean up the mess, umm yeah with no baby wipes or anything.  Talk about prepared parents.  So we did the best that we could to clean up the mess (while undressing Will and re-dressing him on the side road in 30some degree weather) and continued on the way.  About 10 min later I hear "I have to throw up again" so Drew slams on the brakes and I fly out of the car and get Will out at light speed.  He throws up on the side of the road and we get back in and continue on.  I asurred Will that the thought of being in Wyoming gives people the feeling to throw up and he was ok with that until he did it again.  So after 3 stops on the side of the road with a puking 5 year old, he finally falls asleep and we continue on.  Thinking that the worst was over it is about Midnight and we are about 20 miles outside of Cheyenne when a freak blizzard begins. Lovely.  So I tell Drew to stop in Cheyenne and we will get a room there, get cleaned up and go the rest of the way in the morning.
    HA HA HA joke is on us apparently.  We stop at 3 ( yes I said 3) hotels to get a room and they all say (with notes on the doors) No Rooms available.  What could be going on that there are seriously no rooms?????  We stop one more place that does not have a sign (thank god) and I go in to get a room.  No luck.  I guess that the entire state of Wyoming was in Cheyenne that weekend for state debate.  Really that  many debaters?????  So I told Drew better keep going to Ft Collins, we are getting no where here.  We get gas and right before we head out again ( in the freak blizzard remember?)  what does Will do??  Throws up again.  Here we go again. however Will kept whatever he had left down and we start cruising a speedy 40 miles an hour down the interstate.  About 20 miles on the other side of Cheyenne, it quits snowing and has now turned to rain.  What a great trip.  We stopped in Ft. Collins and I go to get a room, let me add that it is about 1:30 am Friday morning.  The guy at the hotel must have known I was having the best night of my life, and decided to give me the "late night discount" on our room.  Gee Thanks. I could have cared less.  I would have paid 3x the price just for the shower alone.  We all get to the room and get some sleep and continue on in the morning.  The next morning Will is like a new kid and cant wait to see Brian and Kelly. the rest of the way there goes quite smooth and we roll into Colorado Springs about 11:00 am and things are finalluy going well.  Untill 15 min after we get there Will starts to run a fever and end up not feeling well the rest of the day.  Luckliy we didnt throw up anymore, just slept and ran a fever the whole day.  So needless to say Friday was spent just hanging out watching cartoon network all day.
  The next day we every one is fine and we went to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo.  The boys were all excited to go and feed the giraffe's until we get there and the giraffe's are seriously gigantic.  Will wasn't too interested and Wyatt hung on for dear life to Drew.  We got these wafer like things to feed them and when the giraffe got close and stole the wafer from Drew, Wyatt became quite freaked out and was screaming "Too Scared, Too Scared!"  (Note pic below)

I will admit, these things are huge and their tongues are even longer. When a giraffe's head is as big as you are, I can understand being a little "too scared"
Here are some other pics from the zoo that day:

Everyone had a good time there and we decided the next day to go to this place called Mr. Biggs to play.  The go karts were indoors and we only went on them one time. The bumper cars were fun and Will even got to drive his own, he was quite excited.  Wyatt fell in love with the little make believe area that they had, which I admit was pretty cool, but he was mostly interested in the bakery and the fake Wendy's.  Here are some pics from our fun day there:

We did take the boys bowling there for the first time. Will was pretty good and actually did beter than me on the second game.  Wyatt didnt like it at first but after he got the hang of it he seemed to enjoy it.  He could even get a 6 pound ball to go down the lane!!!

Our trip down there was alot of fun and the kids very much enjoyed seeing Brian and Kelly (oh and Grandma Mary and Grandpa Simmons).  Our trip back was much smoother and no one got sick!!  Yay for us!!!

This last weekend we went to Cub fest at Bear Country and saw the baby bears.  Both the boys actually pet the bears and weren't scared of them.  It was a little cold out but we survived.  Whew, what are we going to do next?????? 

I have some videos that need to be posted but I haven't downloaded them yet, hopefully I will get them on here soon!!  Till next time........