Sunday, February 3, 2008

Whew it's cold

It has been a little chilly here lately, since the wind blows all the time and since we were on our way out, Wyatt decided to wear Will's old hat to keep his little ears warm. As you can see he happens to look a little like an elf or a knome but we still love him!!!!!

it has also seemed to me that Wyatt has really grown alot this last week, he seems to have gotten heavier and just seems to act bigger already. He has been acting like he has a lot to say recently but cant figure out how to get it out so he just makes little cooing noises that are really cute.

Here is Wyatt rocking with Grandma Ann getting spoiled by the minute.

Then there is Will. He has been really good when it comes to taking care of his little brother. The other day as I was leaving to take him to daycare, I planned on putting Will in the car first and coming back to get the baby. Will would not leave the house until I had the baby in my hands walking out the door with us. Im sure that he will be looking out for Wyatt for a long time. He has again expanded his vocabulary this week.
Last weekend we were at Sams Club and by the childrens books. Will was beside himself with all the books there and wanted to by them all. As I was trying to put the books he had put in the cart back on the table I told him I knew that he was excited. He turned looked at me and said "I so excited!". I had to make Drew listen to him to make sure I wasnt imagining him saying that. Since then we he starts to get happy about something we find that he is "so excited".

I go back to work tomarrow and that will be the first day that the baby will go to daycare with Will. I don't know who will have a harder time, me or Will, with Wyatt being at daycare. Me, because I have to go back to work and cant lay around the house eating bon bons like Drew thinks, or Will because he has to share Ginger with his brother and it is no longer his own territory. Anyway, I know that we will all survive Im just not looking forward to it. Hope everyone is doing well and will post again soon.

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