Friday, March 7, 2008

It's been awhile

Who wouldn't want to wake up to this!!!!!!

So I know that I haven't been good with keeping up with the blog but I'm trying!!! Things here have been busy as normal. Drew and I got a little vacation from Will last weekend because he went to Denver with Grandma Ann, Laura and Adam to watch Leah's roller derby match. From the sounds of it he was very good and because of the weather he even got to stay an extra day. Drew and I had Wyatt but it was still a vacation for us. We think that Wyatt enjoyed the weekend the most since his brother wasn't around to pick on him.

Things are going well here, both the boys are getting big as you can see with all the pictures that I am posting. Wyatt especially. He has really gotten big lately and is still growing. He is smiling all the time now, but he still hasnt managed to laugh. He really is a wiggle worm though, trying to wiggle out of everything. He is a really good boy, sleeping through the night regularly now and eating like a horse. I just hope he doesnt grow up too fast.

Will on the other hand is still a very busy boy. He is doing good though, He is starting talk more and use words that we can understand. He has started to say "hat", "cake", "mama", and a few other words. He has gotten a lot better about picking up his toys and cleaning up after himself, Im waiting to see how much longer that lasts!!!

I don't really have any newer pictures of Will, I have some stuff that I will need to post in a few days so I will have to post some then.

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