Friday, May 2, 2008

Once a week...Yeah right

I know that I mentioned something about trying to post on here once a week, yeah right, I think that I'll be lucky to get on here once a month!! Today is May 2nd and this is what we woke up to this morning...

I believe that we recieved about 8 inches of snow and the wind was blowing causing some pretty big drifts. This was the first time that Will has been able to go out and actually play in the snow, we havent had this much snow since he was born, (that I can remember) so we dressed him up to go out and play...

He loved it outside and cried when he had to come inside. He loves it outside and always wants to be out. So much that he usually crawls out of the dog door and runs around the back yard a couple of times a day. Im sure that the neighbors think we are great parents.

He is talking alot more and was really cute this morning when I opened the door to show him what it looked like outside he quit smiling and said plain as day "Dang it's cold", it was the funniest thing I've heard in a long time. He has really gotten into watching Ratatouille lately and maybe he will learn how to cook next. He is getting so big and he is usually a lot of fun,however he does pay us back every now and thenby not listening very well, but I guess that is to be expected from a 2 year old.

Wyatt is doing very well, I weighed him about a week or so ago and he was at 12lbs. 12 oz so he is growing like a weed. He has certainly discovered his voice and let's us know when he is not happy. He is also working on rolling over, he gets so close but cant quite get rolled over because of his arm. It is pretty cute to watch!!!!

Here are some recent pics of the kids:

Will post some more soon

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