Monday, July 28, 2008

Funny Boys

Well again it has been awhile since I have been able to get on here and post anything, I am surprized at just how much busier I really am. These boys sure can keep you busy!!

Will is still trying to potty train, and Im not sure what has happened lately but at first the only plce that he would go potty is at home. He wouldn't go anywhere else. Then all of the sudden he decided to start going at daycare and will no longer go at home or anywhere else. He will usually go in the morning after he wakes up but after that it is pretty difficult to get him to go again. I have even tried to offer more M&M's for going and still he wont go. He has been showing plenty of signns that he is ready, i just think he is being stubborn. (He gets that from his dad!) He has been expanding his vocabulary even more now,he says all sorts of things. Some we can understand, some we still can't but he is talking better everyday.

He has been going swimming alot and has become quite the fish in the water. Grandma bought him a Lighting McQueen suit that looks like a body suit and has the floatie things built in around the chest and since he figured out that he can float, he has loved to swim. He has a better farmer tan than his dad and his Uncle Adam.

Wyatt has gone from a baby to a little boy in like one week. Within three days the kid sat up all by himself, started crawling like he is supposed to, and started to pull himself up on the furniture all in three days. Now when he takes off he really goes, it seems as though now, Will goes one way and Wyatt goes the other and they are both really fast. Wyatt had a check up on the 28th and is 29.5 inches long and in the 95th percentile for his height, (he didn't get that from his mom) and weighes 16 lbs 1 oz and is in the 10th percentile for his weight. The doctor told me not to worry about him since he is so active and seems to be ahead of himself developmentally. He is a really good eater so I think he is going to be a tall thin guy. He is still the smiliest baby and seems to always be happy, even after he got three shots!!!

we havent done a whole lot lately, weve been swimming alot and when we are not doing that we are just staying home trying to keep cool. I will try to post sooner than this last one, it is just amazing how fast the time goes by. enjoy the pics!!

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