Sunday, May 31, 2009

Busy Days

Ok so I know that the blog has been changing its look alot lately, I needed a change of scenery, but some of the backgrounds that I have put in are messing up the stuff that I am trying to download, so yes, I know it has changed again..and Im not sure that I am sold on this background yet, but Im gonna see if it works better than last few have!!!

Anyways, back to the reason that you come here......the boys!! We have been pretty busy around here lately..since the last post we have gone to the circus..which Will loved, Wyatt could have really cared less. Will talked about the lions and elephants and was mesmirized with them during the performance. Wyatt actually feel asleep, which was great since he really didnt want to sit much!!!!

Will did very well at the circus and he was very surprized when daddy came back with some light up guns!!!! Drew figured that the guns would be safer in our house than the light up swords. ( I can see it now.... Will is whacking Wyatt with the sword) After he got his hands on those he was a a happy camper!!!!

We have been playing alot with our new wagon. Drew and I have taken the boys out on a few long walks around our neighbrhood in it and they seem to enjoy the ride!!!!

A couple of weekends ago we finally decided to get the boys sandbox put together. We used the big tractor tire that Pete and Karen gave us and spray painted it white,filled it with sand and gave the boys something else to fight over. They play pretty well in there until Will starts pouring sand on Wytt's head and gets it all over in his diaper. Thats lovely to clean up!!!

Here is a picture of Stitch, he is much better now, his wounds healed very well and he is doing good now. I have some more pics that i need to post and I will try to get them on here as soon as I can.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Busy Days

We have been so busy lately that its been hard to keep up the blog as often as I want to. We went to Sioux Falls after Easter to see Grandma Simmons, Aunt Carol and Auntie Leah. We had a good trip and tried to have a pinic in the park near Grandma's house but it began to rain shortly after we got there so we had to leave. The kids were really good while we were down there and they had alot of fun seeing Grandma and going swimming (more about that later).
The kids had a blast at this park and cried when we had to leave........

Daddy and Wyatt

Will and Daddy

Grandma and Wyatt

All by myself

Wyatt thought that throwing sand was the most fun of all

Wyatt was quite the grandma's boy as long as there was food involved. He loves Great Grandma especially when she feeds him. (of course who can blame him she is a great cook!!!) He is our little piggie and pretty much eats anything and eats twice as much as his brother.

Will is our little fish and he love to go swimming. He has a suit that has floaties in it and it looks like he has huge muscles. It is really cute on him and he is so comfortable in the water when he is wearing it. He was so excited to go swimming it is all that we heard about the entire way to Sioux Falls. He will be in love this summer when we go swimming more often!!!!

Will and Daddy swimming
Wyatt has gotten tired of Will constantly beating on him and has decided to start returning the favor. He has gotten pretty good at tackling Will and staying on top of him. Will takes it pretty good,although he screams for help whenever Wyatt does this. We think it funny and well deserved!!!!!

Will was pretty impressed at Al's Oasis with the buffalo. He thought that they were pretty cool and when we had to leave he threw a huge fit. "No leave buffalo" I think were his exact screaming words. Wyatt really didnt care he just wanted to run around in the grass.

taking a ride

Daddy and the boys

Its one of the first nice days that we have had in a long time so we thought that we would go into the backyard and enjoy the day. We were happy and having a good time as you can see.....

Will helping Wyatt go down the slide
(how cute)

Having fun
Enjoying the spring day

And then your brother hits you in the face with the swing and gives you a bloody nose. This is Wyatt's first bloody nose and he did take it very well, he didnt cry long. Of course Im the bad mommy who had to take a picture of it (admit it.. it is pretty funny) to document the special occasion. Two minutes later he was back outside playing and seemed to be fine, but how can you resist taking a picture like this one!!!!

Like iI mentioned earlier we have been pretty busy lately,trying to maintain our sanity if anything. I came out of retirement from softball this year and should maybe consider going back into retirement. It is still fun and I play on a good team, it would help if it would warm up around here so that I would quit trying to pull muscles. I had one slide that went bad the first night and ended up bumping and scraping up my chin. That was nice, but it was fun to get dirty!!! Drew is getting ready for the summer season and becoming very busy. Other than that we are just trying to keep up. Im sure there will be ome good stories coming up now that we can go outside and play (kinda) Enjoy the pics................