Friday, August 7, 2009

Whew...we are back!!!!

Sorry about the hiatus on the blog, we had a few technical difficulties back in June that set us back awhile. The hard drive on my new computer crashed and after 3 long stressful weeks and a rather large bill....we are back up and running!! I ended up sending the hard drive out to a company in California to be recovered and I luckily got 95% of what was on there back. I had a couple of weddings, some models, my kids pictures since January on the drive to name a few things. I was pretty stressed out about losing those images. But after alot of praying, I was very lucky and got from what I can tell all my images back. Thank you God!!!!!

Since that has happened (June 20th) alot has been going on around here. That particular evening was my 10 yr high school reunion. I had a great time catching up with old friends and Drew was able to meet and get to know a few of my friends. After that weekend, Drew ended up catching some type of flu bug and was sick for a day, I thought that I was going to be able to escape it but of course I got the night before we left for his family reunion in Fort Robinson, Nebraska. The kids had a great time running around the grounds and playing with family, I wish that I could have enjoyed it more, but was able to see some family and relax a little. However, I got sick again the morning that we left which kinda bummed out the trip. But Drew and the kids seemed to enjoy the time spent there, Drew even golfed. Im not even sure when the last time it was that he did that. I guess that is the price that an ice guys has to pay.....

The boys have really been busy these last few months. The 4th of July was pretty interesting as Wyatt seemed to love the fireworks and Will was a little scared of them. Since then when ever Wyatt sees any kind of bright lights he says "fire wok" it is pretty cute. And surprisingly it is very clear and easy to understand. He is also very clear when he says "whats that?" and of course "more" which is usually pertaining to food. He is such a garbage gut. He eats everything and a lot of it. We are so in for it when he is a teenager.
Will has been trying to work on listening, and it isnt going as well as I had hoped. It must be a three year old thing. He has been suffering in the corner of the house almost every night, but has been doing good at day care. Both boys are a little out of their element since I had a week off of work while our daycare lady to vacation and then having Shenea (my niece) out here to visit. Shen kept them a few days the next week and a few evenings so that Drew and I could go out. They got pretty used to the idea that staying at home became normal and now we are trying to get back in our routine and they are having a hard time adjusting. Cant say that I blame them, we had a lot of fun at home!!!!

Will is becoming so funny these days. He is starting to answer a question with a response instead of repeating everything you just said to him. His new obsession this month is the movie "How the Grinch stole Christmas" which actually kinda freaks me out, but he loves it,sings to it, laughs at it so I guess that is good. He is also into "Veggie Tales" right now. How he gets into these things I will never know. He is becoming more interested in dressing himself and making sure that he has all the articles of clothing on that he needs, except his shoes. He is growing up so much and is learning so many new things and saying so many new and funny things that it is just amazing to be with him. He is such a boy though and is still pretty rough on stuff (including his brother).
The other highlight of this week was that I went to the Aerosmith concert at the buffalo chip. Again being married to an ice guy during the summer and especially during the rally doesnt leave alot of options open for free time. Drew wasnt able to go to the concert so I went with some of his friends. Even though I was the only girl there, I had the time of my life. I love Aerosmith and it was unfortunate that the concert was cut short when Steven Tyler fell off the stage, but it was the best money that I have ever spent. I cant wait until next year, Grandma Im gonna take you upon that offer to babysit all week long!!!!

Anyway we have been pretty busy lately and Im hoping that it will let up soon so that we can relax a little and enjoy the rest of the summer. However, pre-season football starts in 6 days and hopefully the Broncos are ready to get their season started. That is all that I will say about that right now, but beware there may be more comments about them in future posts depending on how their season goes!!!!!

I also upgraded the look of the blog since the Crash of June, Im not sure what the problem was last time, but we will see if this one is any better. Enjoy the pics.......... ( there are alot)

Kinda weird that they sleep the same way.....

Steph, baby Dennen and Wyatt

Michael,Will and Kaelynn, playing with the iphone

Yes he belongs to us....

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