Friday, July 30, 2010


So today as I'm trying to get Wyatt to settle down and fall asleep (at 7:30 pm since he had no nap), Will comes in from outside and decides that he wants to rock with me and Wyatt.  He says, "Mama, I don't feel very good, my tummy hurts."  I say "Oh No, maybe you should get ready for bed since you dont feel good."  Will says "Yeah, I don't feel good........I feel like dog poop Mama.  Dog Poop."  As I am laughing to myself trying to figure out why he thinks he feels like dog poop, he says:  "I feel icky, just like dog poop and it stinks!"  I'm not really sure that I want to go there trying to figure out his logic, I'm just going to assume that he didn't feel very good!!  Kids say the darnest things............... more tidbits to follow I'm sure!

Monday, July 5, 2010

TA DA!! The new Swing Set is here!!!

Yes, it is like have mini version of Vegas for kids in the backyard!!!!!!!

Drew and I decided to purchase the boys a new swing set since the one that we acquired from Raelyn and Greg was no longer "safe" for them to play on.  We have been looking at this swing set for 2 years and finally bit the bullet and ordered it.  It took 3 weeks for it arrive at the house and only took Drew about 12-14 hours to put it together.  It is quite the Swing Set.  The boys were stunned the day they came home and saw the boxes (which had pictures on them) and then amazed the next day when they came home from daycare to see the new playset in the back yard.  Will looked at me in the car with his mouth as wide open as I have ever seen it and says "Mama, its perfect!"".  Wyatt just smiled and said "Wow!".  It has been a great babysitter since Drew erected it and it is hard to get them to come in at night now. Here are some pics of the old one and of the new one.......
Old tried and true!

Reason #1

Reason # 2, plus many more...

The boxes

Will helping Heath??  Getting rid of the old

Serious Business


Oh man, Now I have no swing set!

The goods

Laid out

Yes, this is Drew with 92 pages of instructions, and yes, he is reading them!!


That's all for night # 1

Next day


Did you notice?




finishing touches.....

TA DA!!!!

I know,don't you wish you had one when you were a kid???  So far the boys have loved it and it is one of the best purchases I think I have ever made.  Here is the fun that the boys had the very next day!  They are pretty smart to think this up!!!

Yep, a waterslide.  That is Wyatt catching some air coming off that slide into one of the boxes that the parts came in

Wild man

What Fun they had!!!

But at the end of the day there is nothing like a good swing!!


How can you resist this invitation?  Friends and Family are always welcome!!!  Enjoy the pics....will write more very soon!!!