Friday, July 30, 2010


So today as I'm trying to get Wyatt to settle down and fall asleep (at 7:30 pm since he had no nap), Will comes in from outside and decides that he wants to rock with me and Wyatt.  He says, "Mama, I don't feel very good, my tummy hurts."  I say "Oh No, maybe you should get ready for bed since you dont feel good."  Will says "Yeah, I don't feel good........I feel like dog poop Mama.  Dog Poop."  As I am laughing to myself trying to figure out why he thinks he feels like dog poop, he says:  "I feel icky, just like dog poop and it stinks!"  I'm not really sure that I want to go there trying to figure out his logic, I'm just going to assume that he didn't feel very good!!  Kids say the darnest things............... more tidbits to follow I'm sure!

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