Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Potty Train

Yes, I said it.  Potty Train.  And Wyatt is succeeding with flying colors!!  We started on Monday and he peed on Ginger's (daycare lady) carpet once.  He got into some trouble for that and since then at Ginger's has been completely dry yesterday and today.  Monday night at Grandma's house was not as successful, but he went once at her house.  Last night at our house, Wyatt didn't go anywhere but in his pants at out house. Which did not go over too well, but accidents!!!!!  I think I may be more excited then he is but hey that's OK!  It's all about the little things anyway!!!!!!

What will we do now, without having to buy diapers and wipes and no more bottles and formula around.  Wow the kids are growing up, we might need to have a party with all that money we are saving!! WOO HOO!!!

Yeah right all the money we are saving????  That is just going right back into buying preschool clothes for Will.  And is he excited!!  Grandma Ann, Will and I went school shopping at Kohl's to get Will some cool new school clothes and it was pretty exciting to venture to the "little boys section" instead of shopping in the toddler isle!  Will wasn't very worried about anything but getting Transformer and Scooby Doo underwear, wish that was my only worry in this world.  He came out with quite a wardrobe I must say.  He will be one of the cutest preschoolers I've ever seen!!!  He is getting so big it is kinda scary! In fact a quote from Will as I am typing this is......

"Ronda,  Ronda, excuse me, Ronda can you come here please?"
Me:  "Will what do you want?"
"Ronda will you please switch the movie I want a new one."
Me: "OK I'll be in in a minute."
"Ronda come change the channel."

Where did he learn to talk like that? And since when am I Ronda and Mom? Oh well!!! Amazing, that's all I can say about that kid.  Amazing.
He also has a girlfriend. His cousin Abbie's 17 yr old friend Theresa is Will's "girlfriend" When he see a pic of her he gets all smiley and says "there is my girlfriend"  Its pretty cute, although she is a little old for him!!!!
Well that's about it right now, just trying to keep up with laundry and housecleaning!  That's what we do here!!
I'll try and post some pics soon, I haven't had much time for editing and organizing my images, but soon I promise there will be new pics on here!!!!!!

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