Thursday, May 8, 2008

Such big boys

We have some pretty big boys around this house lately, snce last weekend Will has learned some new words, and put his shoes on all by himself, Wyatt has learned how to rollover from back to front and decided that sweet potatoes and green beans are really good to eat.

Im going to try and post a video of Wyatt laughing on here, it was taken with my cell phone so Im sure that the quality will be sorta yucky but you might get the just of it. I am also posting some new pictures of our week here, Will has decided that he has to help when feeding Wyatt and give him 5 bites then Will has to have one too. It is cute to see Will so interested however, not so much to see him eating baby food.

This will be a short post I will try to post more again soon.

1 comment:

Sand Castle said...

oh so cute! I love the laughing video and Will doing his business reading the paper. ha ha! Hope all is well there, hopefully see you in June when we're back.