Saturday, October 11, 2008

All sorts of new stuff going on here!!

Bath buddies

Snug as bugs in a rug

Since the last post so many things have been happening here it will justify why it has taken so long for me to post again. I imagine I will start from the last post and report that Wyatt now has two teeth. His two bottom front teeth came in at the exact same time. They came in on August 29th and we havent seen any more since. But let me tell you he sure has decided if there is "big" people food around you better give some to him. He gets pretty upset if he doesn't get a few bites in.
GGma Swisher and Wyatt; I like chicken!!

Will has been talking more and more and we get to hear all sorts of good stuff. He is getting so big it is scary. He is outgrowing all of clothes and now that we are potty training all of his pants are too short to fit in the waist. So that should be fun finding pants for the talking giant. His potty training is still in progress, he is going some days with no accidents and other days where he does it on purpose. We are trying to stay patient but it sure is hard when he does well on some days and throws it out the window on other days. I will give Will credit for this, he does have his aim down so that makes it a little easier!!!

Oh Mom

Drew and I left the kids with Ann for a few days so that we could go to Denver for my birthday. Zack and Jenny (our friends) went too. We went to a Broncos game and it was awesome, we even got a little sunburnt. We stayed for 2 days and we went to a Brazilian steakhouse for dinner one night and it was the coolest resturant that I have ever been to. The brought out ever kind of meat I could think of and the brought it out on HUGE scewers. It was awesome, I cant wait to go again. We had a great time and I thought that I was in heaven while we were there since I got 8 hrs of uninterupted sleep 2 nights in a row. Yea!! Unfortunatly we have no pictures from our trip becausue I forgot my memory card in my computer at the hotel room. Oops!

Grandma Ann and boys

My friend Steph was in town from California with her daughter that turned 3 and they had a birthday party for her that Will and Wyatt got to go to. We ended up leaving early since we hadn't had our naps yet and it was showing. I think that Will enjoyed it, I just wish he could have had his nap. We have had lots of family visiting from all over laetly and lots of dinners to go to. So that has kept us busy too.

The big news around here though is that Wyatt has started walking. He took his first steps the day before he turned 9 months old. I have a feeling that we are going to be in for it with that one. He is so cute to watch though because he even looks excited to be able to walk. Im not sure how much longer my house is going to survive once he can catch Will. They are playing together alot more now and of course fighting too. Will gets a little upset when Wyatt plays with his toys but he is getting better. Im not sure that Will is quite ready for everything that Wyatt can do now either. I hopefully will have a video of him walking soon. I accidently dropped my cell phone in the toilet the other day and have to wait a few days before I get a new one. I told the guy at the store that my son did it, I dont think that he believed me.

Playing with my farm

Since we got back we have just been busy with everyday stuff, we got a new couch for our living room so we have a bunch of rearranging to do!!. Other than that just the same old stuff. I will try to post again before Christmas since my track record would probably put me there Enjoy the pictures!!!

The picture of Will with his nose in the corner is our new form of punishment, it is so hard not to laugh at him though because he repeats the word "nose" while he is standing there until he is allowed to move.

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