Tuesday, December 30, 2008

What's been going on

I knew I wouldnt be able to post until Christmas, just like I said in the last post!! But here I am getting one last one in before the new year and yes I will try to be better in the next year about posting more!!! Since last time quite a few things have happened. Halloween came and these were the two most adorable kids in town as you can see.... (they went as Shrek and Boots)

Will didnt want to go at first, and he really didnt want to wear the green face paint but after he saw himself he was all for it. When I asked him if he was done trick or treating he said "no done". We also went to a wedding in Sioux Falls in October and we stayed at a motel that had a pirate ship for a water park. Will loved it and had a great time. We could barely get him out of the water!!
Other than those adventure we have stuck pretty close to home. The boys dont let me keep the house clean anymore and you can see all the fun that I have had cleaning up after them......

See how much fun we have been having around here. They did the flour and the oatmeal (at least Will did) two days in a row. The cereal was a bit later. The certainly know how to keep me busy.
Will is doing good he is talking alot more and is starting to to repeat the things that we say. Not all of them are good but he has started to make sentences and tell us more of what he wants. He especially likes chocolate milk and creamy chicken noodle soup. He has started to "help"around the house by putting his stuff away and then pulling everything back out and making a bigger mess. But he is a bigger help now and he sure does love his brother. He likes to give him lots of hugs and kisses and he really likes to help feed him. He does make sure that Wyatt knows what toys he cant play with by pushing him or just taking them away but it doesnt seem to bother Wyatt too much.

Mickey Mouse is huge in our house right now, we cant do anything unless Mickey Mouse is involved. We watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse at least 3 times a day, sing the hot dog song, and watch the kids dance to the theme song when it comes on. They are pretty cute to watch
Wyatt is getting big. He is really crusing around and getting into mischief. He is the biggest little piggie I have ever seen. This kid eats all day long, although you would never know it. He eats anything and ususally cant get enough. Im scared to know what he will be like as a teenager. He already eats more than Will does. At his last check up he was 20 lbs 13 oz and 31.5 inches long. he is in the 95th percentile for his height and in the 25th for his weight. I think that the kid has a hollow leg.

I will post Wyatt's birthday party and Christmas in my next post (which will be soon!!) and I will also have somevideo's to put in that one, I still have to upload them to my computer from my new camera!!!!!
Enjoy the pics

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