Sunday, November 15, 2009

Adventures with Will and Wyatt

Yep, that is the title that I used for this post.  There are so many things that have happened since I last posted that Im not sure I can even remember all the "adventures" that we have had.  Im pretty sure that both of the boys ears have broken this week and that listening is completly out the door.  And Im also beginning to wonder if Drew has some monkey running through his bloodline since the boys seem to be climbing in to or on to everything in our house.  This week has been very challenging for us and Im praying that it is only a phase and that it is very short lived.

Since the last post we went trick or treating on the west side of Rapid and both of the boys did very well.  Will was very excited and had a hard time containing himself.  Im sure that many of the people handing out candy thought that Will was a bit rude when it came to trick-or-treating since he would bang on people's door and yell "OPEN THE DOOR".  Yeah that was nice.  He even tried to go into a few people's houses, but in his defense, he made sure to say thank you after each treat so Im hoping that maybe that will save us some face with the residents we visited.  Wyatt did really good, although his little legs couldnt keep up so I ended up carring him most of the time. He wouldnt let go of his candy bucket for anything.  It even got pretty heavy for him to hold on to but wouldnt let anyone help him.  He got tired towards the end of our journey and laid his head down and went sleep.  He was so cute!!!  Here is a picture of the boys's "loot"

After all that excitement, things calmed down around here for a little while and I was hoping to get caught up on a lot of things.  Then the adventures began in no certain order:

  • Wyatt learned that if you dump all of the garbage out of the trash can in mom and dads room you can tip the can over,stand on the bottom and reach anything that you want.  This particular time was to tangle up all of my necklaces in to one large ball.  Nice.

  • Again, Wyatt and the garbage can tipped over allows him to reach all of mom's perfumes. By the time that I caught him he had sprayed vanilla perfume all over my room.  Im not sure sure that vanilla does anything for me anymore.

  • Will decided to dress himself the other day, which is fine.  He appearently has the same problem as his mom and cant decide what to wear since he went threw his whole shirt drawer all over his room.

  • Will has decided the funnest place to play in the entire house now is the kitchen sink.  He just wants to watch the water run down the drain while he sits in it.  Like the bathtub couldnt do this???

  • Wyatt again obsessed with garbage cans, has no figured out how to get on top of the dresser and get to mom and dads deodorant and proceeds to use both of them only he doesnt know where they go and he likes to streak them down each side of his face.  Lovely.

  • Will takes a cue from Wyatt only being taller does not need the garbage can to get to certain places, decides it would be fun to use some of moms eyeshadow.  Not only on his eyes but also on each side of his cheeks.  Light pink really does something for Will let me tell you.

  • Today as I am changing Wyatt's diaper, Will comes out and tells me he has pretty toes.  This really scares me for many reasons.  I look down and he has found my pink/purple finger nail polish and has painted his big toes on each side.  There is finger nail polish all over his hands and feet and I immediatley cringe wondering where the rest of the polish is at.  My carpet?? My bed??  After much searching I found nothing and am very thankful that I didnt get a bigger surprize than painted toe nails on my son.

  • Will and Wyatt are sitting on their chairs each enjoying an oreo, when Will finishes his and notices that Wyatt has his untwisted.  Will reaches over and takes a hugh swipe if the white filling off of Wyatt's cookie and Wyatt looks at him with a look that could kill and doesnt move.Will starts laughing and Wyatt reaches around with his right hand and decks Will right in the face.  Will starts crying, Wyatt looks at me like "he deserved it" and turns around to finish his cookie like nothing even happened.  It was the funniest thing Ive seen in a long time!!!

These are just a few that I can remember from this week but I saved the best one for last:
  This morning I wake up to Will saying "Good morning mama!"  I can smell that something is not right in my house and I begin to notice that I smell something that is burnt.  As I grab my glasses, Will is standing by the edge of my bed with a bowl of burnt popcorn.  "Mama I made breakfast!!"  he says beaming from ear to ear.  Many thoughts are running through my head at this moment but he was so pround of himself that I did what any mother would do at that moment.  I said "Oh thanks Will, that is so nice!" and take some burnt popcorn and eat it in front of my son.  Now Im wondering: How did he get that popcorn out of the bag without burning himself? How did he figure out how the microwave works?  How long did he cook it for?  Is my kitchen on fire?  I go to the kitchen and see that the microwave has 31:54 on it so I know that my popcorn was very much well done.

Yes, I want everyone to know that I am here watching these children, although it doesnt seem like it, they do all these things when I am in the bathroom, cooking dinner or fixing another crisis with the other child.  I still love them but they have really tested me this week.

A cute thing that Will did this week was after I picked him up from daycare we were stopped at a stop sign.  He looks out the window and tells me there is an octogon.  I am completly amazed and asked him how he knows that.  He responds:  "Mom, (sigh) it has eight sides."  Now I am really amazed and believe that my kid is a genius because I never taught him that.  I asked him next where did you learn that? He says "Mom, (sigh) when I was on Sesame Street!"  He was so funny the way that he said it, like I shouldve known that!!

Anyways, nothing is broken or completly lost around here yet.  Other than taming the two monkeys that I have in here, we are still pretty boring.  Hope to post more "fun" soon!! Enjoy the pics!!!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Oh how the time flies...

Here I am again behind on blogging, it has been on my mind for a few weeks but I havent had the time to sit and just blog.  We have been pretty busy lately and trying to keep up is about all I can do anymore. I am hoping to get my house cleaned up and some photo stuff organized, but we will see if any of that actually gets done.
It seems like lately I have been able to really spend some quality time with the boys which is probably why Im behind with some of my other chores, but I wouldnt trade any of that time for anything.  I cant believe that we are approaching Wyatt's 2nd birthday and I feel like he is growing up way too fast.  I have been trying to soak in every moment with him and just embrace what I have left of his "baby" time.  He is so much more cuddly than Will was as a baby, and I just want Wyatt to stay little for a little while longer.  I realized the other day just how much I love to watch him sleep and also just how cuddly he is in the mornings.  He is such a little lover and I just dont want him to grow out of that.  The other thing that I noticed about him are just how cute his feet are.  He has the most adorable little feet and I cant get over them.  I have had so much fun watching him get bigger these last few weeks that it has made me appreciate the things that still make him "my baby".  I know that he will have to grow up eventually, but I sure do love the stage that he is in right now!!

Will has also been alot of fun these last few weeks.  I find myself appreciating the fact the Will is older and can do some things by himself.  He amazes me everyday with the questions that he comes up with. I am also amazed that he is about to be 4 years old and that soon he will be in school.  I find myself hugging and kissing him so much more lately, just because I can. He still tests my patience at least 5 times a day, but I love the fact that every night he comes out of bed to give me a hig and kiss and a 'I love you' no matter how rough our day was.  I have to give Will credit here, if there is anything that child has taught me it is unconditional love.  I cant believe how big he is getting and just how much he can really understand now.  He amazes me and makes me wonder each day how I could ever love him more than I already do!!!

a few funny quotes from Will these last few weeks:

 He asked me the other day what my name was.  As I hesitated to tell him the truth, I did it anyway. I told him Ronda, but told him that he still needed to call me mom,mama, or mommy.  He said ok and walked away, I thought I got off easy!!   About 20  min later he comes to me and says "Excuse me, Excuse me Ronda, can I get some orange juice?"   Yep, I laughed too...

The other night he was getting ready to go to bed and came out to tell me goodnight.  I asked him if I could come and lay down with him he said: "Sure mama, sure you can!"

Usually when I am working on photos for a client and he is bugging me at the computer I tell him that "mama is working, be patient and I will help you when I am done."  Today he was playing some games on the computer and I asked him a question.  His repsonse:  "Mama Im working here, can you be patient please?"

As you can see he has been quite comical around here, and we usually get a good laugh out of him everyday.

Wyatt is really on a prayer kick.  Every night when we all lay down he blurts out "drurs" (which is prayers in Wyatt talk) and will keep saying it until we say prayers and everyones names.  Last night Drew and I went to bed after both kids fell asleep.  Wyatt wakes up out of a dead sleep and blurts out "drurs" and starts to cry/whine.  So I start prayers with him and we get half way through and he falls asleep mid sentence.  I told Drew Im not sure that any other 2 year old I know is so concerned about syaing prayers that they wake up out of a dead sleep to make sure that we say them.  It is a cute sight I must say!!!!

All in all the boys have been doing very well.  They are getting bigger and are behaving just as I would expect a 2 and 4 year old boy to do.  There have been no broken windows, or holes in my walls but they sure can make the house dirty quick. I have to say that when they are naughty that they tend to take after their dad, not their mom!!!  We have been working on sharing which is going pretty well, shouting--still needs some work, along with listening, but other than that things around here have been pretty good.

Drew has been busy with the Icehouse and again with the meat processing business that he co-owns.  I think that he is ready for some downtime and I know the boys will be really excited when he can be home more. Things have been busy with work as usual, and my photography stuff has slowed down a little but is still keeping me just as busy as before.  I am hoping that things will slow down again soon so that we can get caught up on stuff and really be able to enjoy the holidays! It seems like everytime I think that,we only seem to get busier!  I hope to post more soon, halloween pics especially, but I did post some recent pics in a post below this one.  Hopefully I can keep things a little more up to date now...enjoy the pics!!

Recent pics

Computer bugs

Will's first attempt at cutting his own hair

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Busy boys

Here are some video clips that we took......Enjoy!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Bye Bye Summer

The happiest kid in the world!!!

Now that summer is over and the days are getting cooler, I can only hope that things will slow down a little and I can possibly get caught up on some stuff around the house. Although I cant complain, we had a great summer and when I think that we really didnt do anything special, I look back on the pictures that I took and we really did do alot. A couple of trips to the Flintstones, Old Macdonalds Farm, Storybook Island, Custer County Fair, and even just a few of our little wagon walks around the neighborhood. Ive noticed that I have missed posting some pics from earlier this summer, but I am going to try and post as many of them as I can and some videos too.

The boys continue to grow and grow, Wyatt is getting to be almost as tall as Will and I am very sure that they will be wearing the same size clothes by the end of the winter if not sooner. Will is really starting to talk alot more and amazes me with the things that he says. His new thing is to walk into a room that you are in and ask "what you doing?" He also has an obsession right now with Taco John's. (Thanks Shen) I think that he could eat tacos every night if I would let him. (Although I dont blame him!!!) But as long as they make fruit snacks I think that we will be ok!!!

He has really discovered his independence since he figured out how to open the baby gate and also the gate to the backyard. We ended up having to wire the gate shut after I found him and Wyatt trying to run up the sidewalk by themselves. It was a great escape plan at the time!!!!!!

Will has also become more helpful when it comes to carrying things out to the car, he thinks that he is so strong!!!!! If you try to take Wyatt somewhere and not Will you better look out, Will is very protective of Wyatt and tells anyone threatening to take him to "Put Wyatt down NOW" He has been alot better about going to daycare recently and doesnt put up as much of a fight as he used to, maybe he is beginning to grow up!!!

Wyatt has become alot more vocal lately and is really expanding his vocab. He is getting alot easier to understand and he tries to repeat everything that you say. He is so cute when he tries to say watermelon (which he loves) and my favorite thing is when he says his prayers at night, although he tends to get stuck blessing his uncles over and over. ( they might need more than others too Adam!!!) When he finishes his Amen is soooo cute and then he has to clap and say "yea". One of these days Im going to tape it and put it on here but i will have to be sneaky to get it!!

Things here are about the same, Drew is starting to slow down a little so that will be nice to have him around more. Im going to try and get more organized and get my photography business started at the beginning of the year. We will have to see how that goes, having two kids and working part time keeps me pretty busy let alone starting a business, but hopefully all will work out!!!!!!

Now that fall is here, we will be taking more pictures, watching the broncos, and cleaning/updating the house. Hopefully the time wont go by too fast!!!!! Enjoy the pics!!!!!

Daddy and Wyatt spinning

Will and Wyatt waiting patiently for the parade

What a cutie!!!!!!!!!!! Nice Hat!!!!!

Daddy and Wyatt chillin at the parade in Hermosa

Playing with flour.........again

The "Blanket Tent"

The Shake
Jefferson-"Hi, nice to meet you!" so adorable

Nice Band-aid Will

Wyatt learning to play ball