Saturday, October 31, 2009

Oh how the time flies...

Here I am again behind on blogging, it has been on my mind for a few weeks but I havent had the time to sit and just blog.  We have been pretty busy lately and trying to keep up is about all I can do anymore. I am hoping to get my house cleaned up and some photo stuff organized, but we will see if any of that actually gets done.
It seems like lately I have been able to really spend some quality time with the boys which is probably why Im behind with some of my other chores, but I wouldnt trade any of that time for anything.  I cant believe that we are approaching Wyatt's 2nd birthday and I feel like he is growing up way too fast.  I have been trying to soak in every moment with him and just embrace what I have left of his "baby" time.  He is so much more cuddly than Will was as a baby, and I just want Wyatt to stay little for a little while longer.  I realized the other day just how much I love to watch him sleep and also just how cuddly he is in the mornings.  He is such a little lover and I just dont want him to grow out of that.  The other thing that I noticed about him are just how cute his feet are.  He has the most adorable little feet and I cant get over them.  I have had so much fun watching him get bigger these last few weeks that it has made me appreciate the things that still make him "my baby".  I know that he will have to grow up eventually, but I sure do love the stage that he is in right now!!

Will has also been alot of fun these last few weeks.  I find myself appreciating the fact the Will is older and can do some things by himself.  He amazes me everyday with the questions that he comes up with. I am also amazed that he is about to be 4 years old and that soon he will be in school.  I find myself hugging and kissing him so much more lately, just because I can. He still tests my patience at least 5 times a day, but I love the fact that every night he comes out of bed to give me a hig and kiss and a 'I love you' no matter how rough our day was.  I have to give Will credit here, if there is anything that child has taught me it is unconditional love.  I cant believe how big he is getting and just how much he can really understand now.  He amazes me and makes me wonder each day how I could ever love him more than I already do!!!

a few funny quotes from Will these last few weeks:

 He asked me the other day what my name was.  As I hesitated to tell him the truth, I did it anyway. I told him Ronda, but told him that he still needed to call me mom,mama, or mommy.  He said ok and walked away, I thought I got off easy!!   About 20  min later he comes to me and says "Excuse me, Excuse me Ronda, can I get some orange juice?"   Yep, I laughed too...

The other night he was getting ready to go to bed and came out to tell me goodnight.  I asked him if I could come and lay down with him he said: "Sure mama, sure you can!"

Usually when I am working on photos for a client and he is bugging me at the computer I tell him that "mama is working, be patient and I will help you when I am done."  Today he was playing some games on the computer and I asked him a question.  His repsonse:  "Mama Im working here, can you be patient please?"

As you can see he has been quite comical around here, and we usually get a good laugh out of him everyday.

Wyatt is really on a prayer kick.  Every night when we all lay down he blurts out "drurs" (which is prayers in Wyatt talk) and will keep saying it until we say prayers and everyones names.  Last night Drew and I went to bed after both kids fell asleep.  Wyatt wakes up out of a dead sleep and blurts out "drurs" and starts to cry/whine.  So I start prayers with him and we get half way through and he falls asleep mid sentence.  I told Drew Im not sure that any other 2 year old I know is so concerned about syaing prayers that they wake up out of a dead sleep to make sure that we say them.  It is a cute sight I must say!!!!

All in all the boys have been doing very well.  They are getting bigger and are behaving just as I would expect a 2 and 4 year old boy to do.  There have been no broken windows, or holes in my walls but they sure can make the house dirty quick. I have to say that when they are naughty that they tend to take after their dad, not their mom!!!  We have been working on sharing which is going pretty well, shouting--still needs some work, along with listening, but other than that things around here have been pretty good.

Drew has been busy with the Icehouse and again with the meat processing business that he co-owns.  I think that he is ready for some downtime and I know the boys will be really excited when he can be home more. Things have been busy with work as usual, and my photography stuff has slowed down a little but is still keeping me just as busy as before.  I am hoping that things will slow down again soon so that we can get caught up on stuff and really be able to enjoy the holidays! It seems like everytime I think that,we only seem to get busier!  I hope to post more soon, halloween pics especially, but I did post some recent pics in a post below this one.  Hopefully I can keep things a little more up to date now...enjoy the pics!!

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