Sunday, November 15, 2009

Adventures with Will and Wyatt

Yep, that is the title that I used for this post.  There are so many things that have happened since I last posted that Im not sure I can even remember all the "adventures" that we have had.  Im pretty sure that both of the boys ears have broken this week and that listening is completly out the door.  And Im also beginning to wonder if Drew has some monkey running through his bloodline since the boys seem to be climbing in to or on to everything in our house.  This week has been very challenging for us and Im praying that it is only a phase and that it is very short lived.

Since the last post we went trick or treating on the west side of Rapid and both of the boys did very well.  Will was very excited and had a hard time containing himself.  Im sure that many of the people handing out candy thought that Will was a bit rude when it came to trick-or-treating since he would bang on people's door and yell "OPEN THE DOOR".  Yeah that was nice.  He even tried to go into a few people's houses, but in his defense, he made sure to say thank you after each treat so Im hoping that maybe that will save us some face with the residents we visited.  Wyatt did really good, although his little legs couldnt keep up so I ended up carring him most of the time. He wouldnt let go of his candy bucket for anything.  It even got pretty heavy for him to hold on to but wouldnt let anyone help him.  He got tired towards the end of our journey and laid his head down and went sleep.  He was so cute!!!  Here is a picture of the boys's "loot"

After all that excitement, things calmed down around here for a little while and I was hoping to get caught up on a lot of things.  Then the adventures began in no certain order:

  • Wyatt learned that if you dump all of the garbage out of the trash can in mom and dads room you can tip the can over,stand on the bottom and reach anything that you want.  This particular time was to tangle up all of my necklaces in to one large ball.  Nice.

  • Again, Wyatt and the garbage can tipped over allows him to reach all of mom's perfumes. By the time that I caught him he had sprayed vanilla perfume all over my room.  Im not sure sure that vanilla does anything for me anymore.

  • Will decided to dress himself the other day, which is fine.  He appearently has the same problem as his mom and cant decide what to wear since he went threw his whole shirt drawer all over his room.

  • Will has decided the funnest place to play in the entire house now is the kitchen sink.  He just wants to watch the water run down the drain while he sits in it.  Like the bathtub couldnt do this???

  • Wyatt again obsessed with garbage cans, has no figured out how to get on top of the dresser and get to mom and dads deodorant and proceeds to use both of them only he doesnt know where they go and he likes to streak them down each side of his face.  Lovely.

  • Will takes a cue from Wyatt only being taller does not need the garbage can to get to certain places, decides it would be fun to use some of moms eyeshadow.  Not only on his eyes but also on each side of his cheeks.  Light pink really does something for Will let me tell you.

  • Today as I am changing Wyatt's diaper, Will comes out and tells me he has pretty toes.  This really scares me for many reasons.  I look down and he has found my pink/purple finger nail polish and has painted his big toes on each side.  There is finger nail polish all over his hands and feet and I immediatley cringe wondering where the rest of the polish is at.  My carpet?? My bed??  After much searching I found nothing and am very thankful that I didnt get a bigger surprize than painted toe nails on my son.

  • Will and Wyatt are sitting on their chairs each enjoying an oreo, when Will finishes his and notices that Wyatt has his untwisted.  Will reaches over and takes a hugh swipe if the white filling off of Wyatt's cookie and Wyatt looks at him with a look that could kill and doesnt move.Will starts laughing and Wyatt reaches around with his right hand and decks Will right in the face.  Will starts crying, Wyatt looks at me like "he deserved it" and turns around to finish his cookie like nothing even happened.  It was the funniest thing Ive seen in a long time!!!

These are just a few that I can remember from this week but I saved the best one for last:
  This morning I wake up to Will saying "Good morning mama!"  I can smell that something is not right in my house and I begin to notice that I smell something that is burnt.  As I grab my glasses, Will is standing by the edge of my bed with a bowl of burnt popcorn.  "Mama I made breakfast!!"  he says beaming from ear to ear.  Many thoughts are running through my head at this moment but he was so pround of himself that I did what any mother would do at that moment.  I said "Oh thanks Will, that is so nice!" and take some burnt popcorn and eat it in front of my son.  Now Im wondering: How did he get that popcorn out of the bag without burning himself? How did he figure out how the microwave works?  How long did he cook it for?  Is my kitchen on fire?  I go to the kitchen and see that the microwave has 31:54 on it so I know that my popcorn was very much well done.

Yes, I want everyone to know that I am here watching these children, although it doesnt seem like it, they do all these things when I am in the bathroom, cooking dinner or fixing another crisis with the other child.  I still love them but they have really tested me this week.

A cute thing that Will did this week was after I picked him up from daycare we were stopped at a stop sign.  He looks out the window and tells me there is an octogon.  I am completly amazed and asked him how he knows that.  He responds:  "Mom, (sigh) it has eight sides."  Now I am really amazed and believe that my kid is a genius because I never taught him that.  I asked him next where did you learn that? He says "Mom, (sigh) when I was on Sesame Street!"  He was so funny the way that he said it, like I shouldve known that!!

Anyways, nothing is broken or completly lost around here yet.  Other than taming the two monkeys that I have in here, we are still pretty boring.  Hope to post more "fun" soon!! Enjoy the pics!!!

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