Thursday, February 26, 2009

All Better Now

It has been a long 3 weeks since Will has broken his arm, but it is all better now. He got his cast of on Monday and has made sure that everyone now knows that he has a regular arm. Everything looked good on his xray and he wasn't scared of the saw that they use to take his cast off at all. He was a trooper about the whole thing and the nurse had to tell him to move his head back so she wouldnt hit him with the saw since he was so tuned into what was going on He is having a hard time extending it out straight, but today when we tried he told me that it tickled, so I am taking that as a good sign.
Of course now that he has his cst off he still hasnt slowed down one bit. I think that he has now decided that he is too big to take naps during the day now and is trying to stay up all day. So far he isnt doing so bad, Mom would still like it if he took a nap but I guess this day was going to come some time. His potty training has gone backwards for us since he got his cast on, but he still will go at daycare so that is the battle we fighting now.(again)

Wyatt is getting so big, he is trying to talk now and some of the stuff that he says I can understand. He says "Ba" for bath and heads straight to the bathroom if he thinks there is a chance he will get to take a bath. "Na" is snack and he points to the kitchen since it is his favorite place to be. He tries to say cookie but it sounds like he is trying to spit something up from his throat. He jabbers along most of the day but these are the words that I can make out as of right now. He is really getting in to dancing and it is pretty funny.

We have graduated Wyatt from the crib that he slept in about 5 times to a toddler bed just like Will's. Wyatt loves Will's bed and now has one of his own that of course Will now wants to sleep in. I wont complain either way since they will be sleeping in their own beds now!!!!!! We have rearranged their room a little bit and I think that I will soon be painting it and turning it into a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse room. I have to say they sure do have alot of toys and they sure make it tough to keep that room clean. Wyatt has now decided that he needs to go through his dresser about twice a day and take all of the clothes out and drape them all over his room. Im sure that I should get used to it since it probably wont change anytime soon.

That is about all for now, nothing to new, we are still boring. Enjoy the pics!!!!!!!!

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