Saturday, February 7, 2009

Uh Oh its broken

If any of you read my last blog you will notice that I mention that Will was going to break his arm on the roller skates that he got for his birthday. was right he would break his arm only not on the roller skates. Instead he was chasing a dog at Drew's work on Saturday and fell and yep broke his arm. Although we didn't know that it was broken yet. On Saturday after he did it, he really didnt use his arm ( he just let it hang there) but his elbow was swollen. We thought it was just bruised and went ot bed. The next morning when Will woke up he says to me. "Mama my owie hurts" and points to his arm. It was still swollen so I told Drew that we should have his uncle look at it and tell us what he thinks. Drew took Will over to Dan's house and he looked at it and thought that his elbow was dislocated. He tried to pop it back in but wasnt sure that it worked and said that Will really didn't like that and that we should get an Xray the next day where he works. That night which was Super Bowl Will played around the house sometimes using his arm, sometimes not which made me think it is just brused or dislocated but I still wanted to get the xray to be sure. The next day Grandma Ann and Daddy take Will to Black Hills Ortho and get an xray, Dan comes in with the xray and tells Will "Do you want to see a picture of your arm? This is your arm, this is your arm, and this is where you broke it!!!!" Will managed to break a piece of the bone above his elbow requiring him to get a cast and wear it for 3 weeks. He was a real champ getting on though, he remained quite serious about getting that arm casted. And I want it to be on the record that I was not at this appointment, and still the Broncos find a way to be known in my family. If only Drew would get on board.

Ironically, he has done very well with his cast and hasnt even hit Wyatt with it yet. All the parents at daycare are surprized that it has taken this long for him to break his arm. And I must say Im a little shocked that he didnt do it before now too. He loves to show it off though, if you havent seen it yet he makes sure that you dont miss it by sticking out his elbow and running towards you. It is kinda funny. The other night he was asking if he could take it off and was trying to pull it off.....I think it will be a long 3 weeks. He also has lacked taking a bath most of this week since I dont want to get the cast wet. He got one last night and got it a little wet so we will see if Febreeze works on a stinky cast!!!!

Wyatt is still eating like there is no tomorrow and exploring his world. He really likes the phone now and I catch him walking around the house with the play phone up to his ear like he is talking. It is really cute. He absolutley loves the movie Ratatouille. He will watch that show from beginning to end without moving. I think he likes it because it talks about food.

Here are some pictures from the last two weeks. Most are pre broken arm pics so enjoy!!!!!!

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