Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Oh the snow....

So there is nothing really new going on here, we had a record high of 76 degrees here on Sunday and then had a blizzard that lasted from Monday afternoon until Tuesday afternoon that shut Rapid down for 2 days and brought about a foot of snow to the area. I took some pictures of our backyard and the street after the plow came by and it was quite a mess, there are some pretty big drifts from the wind, (there was a gust of 80 miles an hour at the airport Monday night) so we have just been cooped up at home.

Will has become quite the computer genius and is constantly playing games on different websites. He almost downloaded something I dont even know what it was the other day. He is pretty fascinating to watch on the computer though, it is amazing to me how smart he is to get around the websites to what he wants to play. He is talking alot better now and is using sentences more frequently and is quite comical when he begins telling us a story. He is really growing up.

Wyatt is getting int o everything as usual, he is obsessed witht he dog food and water and the container that we keep the dog food in, and also obsessed with every pot and pan in house. I think this kid is going to be a chef someday because he is so interested int he kitchen. For Easter, we splurged and bought the kids a little kitchen to play with so Im sure that I will be breaking up some fights in there in the near future. I think that Wyatt is going to be in heaven we he gets to play with that. Maybe he will leave out kitchen alone so that we can use it.

Again we are pretty boring around here, we are going to Sioux Falls in April to visit Leah and Grandma Simmons and Drew's dad so that is about all we have going on. Here are some recent pics of the kids....Enjoy!!!Playing in the closetCool dude

Eating hot dogs

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