Wednesday, April 8, 2009

More and More Snow

March 30-31st snow storm

Um....... Should I start with the snow? Im sure all of you already know about it so I wont go into detail about it, but I will post pictures of what fun it has been around here. I think we are ready for it to go away now so that we can play outside and burn off some energy.

April 4th snow storm

Since the last post.. our dog Stitch was attacked by our neighbors two big dogs and suffered some injuries to his rear end. Our neighbor lady came over and told me about the attack which required a trip to the vet. He didnt get stitches for his owie, but he did have a gash about an inch and a half wide and about an inch or so deep above his tail and another wound in his hip which looked like it was caused by a tooth. He didnt seem to be in much pain which was good, but we have been playing doctor to him for a little over a week now.

(I know all you wanted to see was Stitch's butt, but Will was very worried about him)

Will and Wyatt have decided that the Incredibles is the best movie ever and we have to watch it every night at least once. Will especially loves the movie so much that he has started repeating the lines of the movie while he is watching it. The other night he started running out of the bedroom and would stop and do a forward punch and then punch his arm in the air while screaming "Incredibles" (while wearing his underwear only). It was so funny to watch. You will see the pictures on this post.

Will is also getting very big, brushing his teeth by himself now, washing his hands, saying his prayers at night etc. He thinks that he is a very big boy now. He is also starting to boycott baths and wants to take showers now. That must be a three year old thing. When Stitch got hurt Will was pretty upset, he would make sure that he knew where Stitch was at all times. In the mornings he would come out in the living roon and holler for Stitch and then holler that he loves him. HE was very concerned, he would tell everyone about "Stitch ahs an owie" or "Stitch is broken" it was pretty cute. He is getting excited for Easter and is throwing all the plastic eggs around the house. Not too sure if real eggs are a good idea this year, hmm.................

Wyatt is learning lots of stuff from his brother, (we aren't sure if this is a good thing yet or not)and is growing up so fast. He has been really clingly lately but I have to admit that he is quite a cuddler. He is still eating all the time and is on a banana kick. He is even trying to to say banana, which sounds like "bite" and "bath". He is pretty funny these days though, he likes to antoginize his brother which im sure he will only perfect in the upcoming years. He is trying to talk more but is only making sounds. He is into everything and if something doesn't go his way he throws a pretty good fit. He likes to fling himself on the floor and bonk his head and then bawl as loud as he can until someone picks him up. I have been trying to ignore him and he usually quits but every now then he thinks he has to milk it.

We got the kids a kitchen for an Easter present since Wyatt likes to get into our kitchen all the time. We are going to give it to them before Sunday so I will have pictures of that soon too. Hope all is well with everyone Enjoy the pics................................

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