Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Kitchen...

So we let the boys have their Easter present early since we wont be home on Sunday so that they could play with it. The Easter Bunny got them a little kitchen and I think that Wyatt is in heaven. As you will see by the photos he loves playing with it. Besides the fact that Ratatouille is his favorite movie it makes total sense.

I am going to post some videos in this post and maybe the next few posts of the boys being boys. They are quite comical.

The next post should be a good one too, as it will be primarily about the 1st annual SSPH Spring Cake Off. I will explain entire thing in the next post. It will keep you guessing........

I am also on the look out for a new design for our blog. Hopefully it will be changing to something new soon. Im pretty picky and I cant find anything that I like yet.

Hope that everyone has a happy Easter and Enjoy the pics/video...

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