Saturday, June 13, 2009

Can it get any busier??

Wow, I cant believe how fast time flies. We have been so busy that it is amazing we have had any time to play. The boys just keep getting bigger and bigger and amaze us more and more everyday. They have loved being outside since we made their sandbox,(if it hasnt been raining) and play pretty well together.

We went to the Flintstones park a few weekends ago and the kids had a ball. Will was afraid of Barney but other than that all I still hear about is the train that he got to ride 6 or 7 times. He loves trains. He rode on the one at Storybook island a few times a few weeks ago and I hear about that too. Wyatt even got his pic in the journal riding the train that day!! What a cutie!!

We think that Wyatt has become part monkey because all he wants to eat is banana's. He throws a fit if he sees a banana and doesnt get to eat it. He usually has 2 banana's a day and he still wants more, Drew and I just cant keep up with buying them. Im not complaining because they are healthy but I wish he would slow down on them a little!!

I have been very busy taking pictures fro people and trying to keep up with the kids and all the weddings we have this month. I cant believe this month is half over already, where did it go?

Drew is busy at work, if it warms up and quits raining around here we probably wont see him anymore!!! But he is doing good and just had a birthday on the 9th.

Since the last post the kids have discovered bubbles and they think they are the coolest thing wver. I have bubble machine that I bought when Will was little and if that thing is going you have an instant babysitter....its great!!! There is no way I could keep up with blowing all those bubbles!!!!

One last thing before I go.. Yesterday I made the kids a lunch of a hot dog, cheese cubes and some cheetos with chocolate milk. As I set down Will's plate in front of him he sighs, looks at me and says "Mama, this lunch is perfect" I didnt know that a hot dog made everything perfect, but I ll take it for now. How adorable!!! Enjoy the pics!!!!

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