Sunday, March 28, 2010

Just a little late....

Yep, so I have not kept up on my blogging like I said I would do.  Numerous things have prevented me from sitting down and blogging and playing but Im doing a little better now that Im a little caught up again...whew!!

Will and Wyatt continue to grow by leaps and bounds, but I believe that it is their vocabulary and thier appitites that are doing the most growing right now!  I have to say that I am lucky though, I have a Dad that ranches and gives me free meat to keep these boys fed which is so incredibly helpful when we get requests for hamburgers and steak everyday.  Cant say I dont blame them, Drew is such a good cook that I want his burgers and steaks too!!  The boys are also good salad eaters.  Tonite at dinner they ate so much salad and asked for more that I was afraid they wouldnt eat their dinner.  But I'm not complaining, at least they like their vegetables!!

Back to their vocabularies, Will comes up with the greatest sayings anymore and they make us laugh quite a bit.  Wyatt has started to repeat what Will is saying and is also learning new words.  He is so funny because of the expressions that he puts with the words that he is saying.  The one thing about Wyatt though is that most of the words that he knows how to say (and that we can understand) are food related.

A couple of weeks ago, I took the boys, my nieces and Ann to the Watiki Waterpark here in town.  Wyatt only liked the hot tub, and Will loved the lilypad things that are under the swing rings in the activity pool.  Both boys did pretty good while we were there, they wouldnt play in the kiddie pool play area at all unless someone forced them to go in there, but overall 3.5 hours later, I had some pretty tired boys!

Of course we would have a picture at the pool of Wyatt eating, because that is all that the kid does is eat.
We also were invited to come and visit Auntie Laura's 4th grade classroom as Laura's show and tell.  Will was so excited to get to go to school that he was beside himself.  The only thing that could have made things better would have been if he could have rode a bus there.  (he does tell me every morning that he wants to ride the "short" bus to school. There have been many discussions about this bus situation) Anyways, they both had a ton of fun meeting all the kids in the classrooms and Will was in heaven having so many "big" boys around to hang with.  He told me he cant wait to go to school.  I sure hope he keeps that enthusiasium!
Here are some pics from that day, Will looks so big and ready for school that some of these pics made me sad to think he will be there soon enough!

For the last week I have been working on some engagement photos that I took the 14th and they turned out awesome.  As the editing has taken up some of my time, the rest of my time has been trying to keep Wyatt from escaping out of our dog door into the back yard and then climbing the fence to get out of the back yard. It is amazing how fast he is!  We have also discovered that Wyatt is trying to potty train himself.  Which is perfectly fine!  He apparently has been watching Daddy go because he insists that he stands up.  He has to stand on his tippy toes to get into the toilet bowl and then he feels the need to swish it around while he is going.  He hasnt spilled yet so that is a good thing.  It is so funny to watch him and so cute all at the same time.

We went out to my Dad's house last weekend so that Will could see the baby calves since he is in cav'in (Tally!) right now.  Will saw them and goes "Mom those baby calves are "DISGUSTIN".  They were all fine but for some reason he thought other wise.  I had asked him later in the day if he knew that his Grandpa Ronnie was a cowboy.  He said No and then changed his mind and said Yes.  He told me that Grandpa is a "Naughty cowboy, and that them cows are gonna kill him!"  I thought to myself, that he is probably right those cows probably will kill my dad somehow or another!  He thinks those baby cows are pretty cool right now, oh the innocence!!!

Other than this stuff we have just been trying to keep the house clean, the boys from killing each other, and going to or listening to Rush games.  Still pretty busy!!  We are soooo looking forward to our vacation in North Carolina 1.5 weeks.  It is much needed that is for sure.  Well enjoy the pics, Im sure there will be more to come!!!!

Wyatt's version of a hot tub!!

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