Thursday, September 16, 2010

29 Forever

As I sit here on the eve before my 30th birthday, dreading every minute of its approach, I cant help but think of my "roaring" twenties.  Although I have heard that the 30"s are the new "20's", I'm not sure that I am sold. I had so much fun in my 20's that I am really sad to see them go.  I learned so much, accomplished so much, lost so much and gained so much I cant imagine what my 30's could bring.  My 20's began probably the worst point of my life (thus far) and then I found out that my mom had cancer and lost her within months.  At the same time I gained my best friend, who has been with me since I was 20. (feels like longer!) Turned 21 and had a lot of fun that year!  Decided to go back to school at 22 and got engaged,planned a wedding at 23, got married at 24, experienced the wonder of carrying a child for 9 mths at 25,bought a house and changed careers, graduated from college at 26, again had another child at 27 and decided to take years 28 and 29 off!!!  What an eventful decade!!! Nothing like doing it all at once! How will my 30's ever compare? 

I'm sure that there will be new experiences that I haven't even thought of that will amaze me again in the next 10 years but to now say that I am 30 brings a feeling of grownupness that I'm not sure that I am ready for.
Even though there is no way to stop it from happening, turning 30 just changes you.  you are now classified as "thirtysomething" and have a whole new set of expectations from the world.  Oh well, I guess that it is just time to embrace the fact that I'm old.  There I said it. I'm old!! 

In some aspects it cracks me up to think that when my mom was 30, I wasn't even here yet.  How did she ever know that the best thing that would ever happen to her would be me!  And that was in her 30's so I guess Im still holding out some hope!!!

I guess all in all I should be celebrating that I am turning 30 instead of whining about it, but I think honestly Im gonna stay 29 Forever.  My dad always told me that he was 29 and I always thought that was so stupid that he said that.  Now I TOTALLY understand.  What a smart man!!!!!

Anyways, I'm 30 now, not much I can do about it but be happy that I have a wonderful husband and 2 awesome little boys to spend my 30's with and a large group of friends and family to remind me that I'm not getting any younger!!!!!!!

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