Sunday, January 30, 2011

New Year, New Look

As you can see some things on the blog changed!!!  Like that it was updated!! YAY!  Ha ha ha!!
But I'm sure that most of you blog followers notice that things look a little different than the last time that you visited.  I decided that we needed a new look this year and this one caught my eye.  Not sure if it is "boy-ish" enough for Will and Wyatt but until they start updating this site they don't get to pick.  And if their lack of picking up their toys and keeping things clean is any sign of how often they can keep up with things, I'm pretty sure that I will be the sole voice on this blog for a long long time!

Anyways, to the stuff that you come here for..................

So Will is doing awesome at preschool and is so excited about learning and making new friends. He wakes up each morning and asks if he is going to school that day and also who is going to pick him up.  He usually throws a fit when I tell him that Daddy is going to pick him up.  He loves the days that Grandma picks him up and I think I a m coming in a close second to Grandma on the days that I get to pick him up.  He is growing up so much, especially the way that he talks.  He is asking us more questions every day and has all these new "quotes" for us. They usually make us laugh..........
  • Will:  "You wanna piece of meat?"  aka: meaning : You wanna piece of me?
  • He likes to call people : "Squid lips"  Not sure where this came from, but funny to hear him try to say it!
  • " I got a soggy pants brother" Again not sure where this came from, but he likes to refrence Wyatt with this one.
  • "Remember mama, like last year" or " last morning" because he can remember that far back.
Since he has turned 5 he has decided to dress himself with no help at all and does a pretty good job.  He is even getting Wyatt into dressing himself too! He is getting so much better at sharing and being nicer to his brother and I am so thankful to preschool for that!!!!  I can't believe how big he is getting and I can't believe that I am about to start looking at Kindergarten information for him!!!  How the time has flown!!!

Wyatt is very strong willed and pretty much think that it is his way or the highway.  He is getting pretty big and is almost wearing Will's clothes now.  He is following his big brother around alot and trying to be just like him.  He is talking even more now and we can figure out what he is sayimg most of the time.  Wyatt tends to get frustrated if you cant figure out what he is trying to say and that is when he temper begins to show.  I have a feeling the kid is going to be explaining himself alot in his future!!!  He is doing really good at daycare and doesn't seem to miss Will much when he is gone, which is good!!  We hope that this means that he is growing up a little!!!

Both Boys had a great Christmas and great birthdays too!  Our house looks like Toys R Us threw up in it, but of course they boys think that they are in heaven.  Mom on the other hand not so much.  Its hard to keep up with 3 messy boys and 2 messy dogs in the house.  Oh well, as is life!!!

Drew recently decided to pass on his family tradition of showing the boys the movie "Ernest Scared Stupid".  As you have already guessed, it was a hit and now all I get to listen to/watch is Ernest.  Thank You Drew, for getting us off the Care Bears movie to Ernest.  At this point, I cant tell you anymore which one is worse.  However, Ive had my fill of both for quite some time, and we are only on our first Ernest movie.  Again, Thank You Drew!!

Other than trygin to keep the house clean and the laundry caught up, things here are about the same.  Still as busy as ever and cant figure out why!!!  Someday I will get caught up, Lord only knows when that will be, well enjoy some of the pics!!!  (Will add more pics soon, as soon as I get them caught up!!  hee heee!)

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