Saturday, March 19, 2011

Things are changing!!!!!

So we have been quite busy lately, hence my lack of blogging.  I keep saying that I am going to get better at this blogging thing and do it more often, but our lives just get sooo busy and trying to fight both boys for the computer to even check my email is about all that I get done somedays.  If you have been to our house recently you will also notice that we haven't had time to clean it either. I tell you I keep thinking that somehow things will have to slow down, but I keep finding  that we only get busier and busier!!!

We have managed to get out new master bedroom in our basement finished so I cant say that we havent been doing anything lately.  It will be nice to have extra room in our new room and a king sized bed.  Although it will be interesting to see if we get any extra room at night with kids in that bed then we did in our queen sized one. I haven't decided what is going to happen upstairs yet with the boys, as much as they beg me and I know that they would love to have bunk beds, there is this naggin feeling I have about a 3 and a 5 year old pretending to be Superman on the top bunk of the beds.  I don't know what it is about that, but visons of broken arms and legs and missing teeth are the first things that come to my mind.  So we will see, I have some other reservations about having the boys remain upstairs at night with out us up there, and if I can ever get the rest of the basement cleaned up, who knows maybe they can have some kind of room down there that we can keep an eye on them.

On the other hand, for those of you who may not know this already, we are expecting a 3rd Simmons child into our home in Septemeber.  My due date is Septemeber 20th and had this been planned I would have really opted out of being 8 mths pregnant in the hottest month of the year here. The boys are excited and are telling me that they would like a baby sister, but they will get whatever we get because I'm pretty sure there is no return policy.  Drew and I don't care either way, however if another boy should come along, we are already set.  If a little girl does come in to our lives there will be some adjusting to the color pink that we will all have to do.  With the brothers that this baby is going to have I'm pretty sure that it will be one tough little Simmons.

This again is gong to create some room issue in our house also!!  I have not decided yet how to fit all of us comfortably in our house yet so I have quite a bit of work cut out for me!!!   Im feeling pretty good these days and the only real complaint that I have is that I still feel pretty tired.  Im sure that is because I have a pretty active 3 and 5 year old boys who like to go, go go, but other than that the nauseousness that I was feeling prior is pretty much gone.  Meat and I are still having our battles but that is about the only food that I am questioning anymore that doesn't always sound good. But otherwise all is well, the boys are very excited and are anxious to help so that is going to keep things interesting.  I am just about 14 weeks and as soon as this baby starts moving Im sure the boys are going to be even more exstatic than they already are.  Are we crazy???  Maybe, but like I have been saying I am the youngest of 3 kids and I was the best one of all of us so that should mean something right!!!!!!! 

All in all our craziness is what we do best, hopefully I will get everything organized and situated soon, I mean I only have about 5 mths to get it all done, so I am hoping that will give me plenty of time.  Will is still doing great at preschool although I fear the summer when school is over because he loves going so much and making new friends that when that is gone for 3 months I hope that he will be OK with it.  We register him for Kindergarten soon and I found out that the school that he will be going to has an all-day kindergarten program that I am going to try and get him into.  I think he would enjoy it more and that it would be better for him since he loves school so much.  It may also fulfill his life long dream of riding the school bus, because he can be bussed from our house to his school.  That is probably going to be the highlight of his life at that point, no stinkin' new brother or sister!!!!!

Wyatt, has just become a brut.  He can be the cutest little thing you ever saw and say the cutest little thing and then turn around and either be so incredibly mean to his brother or throw the biggest tantrum you have ever seen.  Although we are required to keep him, there have been days lately I think that we all have wanted to give him away.  He is growing so much and he is almost as big as Will is, in fact he can wear most of Will's shirts.  He is talking so much now and man does he have some attitude!!!!  He better figure out when he should be using that and when he shouldn't!!!!!  He is a good kid but being 3 just isnt easy appearently and he is letting us know that everyday!!!

Drew is getting busier at the ice plant and getting ready for the summer.  Luckily he will be just getting finished with his busy season when the baby gets here so I will have him to help me juggle all these kids!!!!  Things are good, and obvisously busy!!  We just have alot of changes coming our way!!!  Will post some pics soon!!!!

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