Friday, January 27, 2012

3 weeks later.....

So it has been 3 weeks since I last posted something on here and I was embarking on the project 365 journey.  I am here to tell you all that I was on crack to think that I could have lived up to that challenge right now!!!  I have barely even been able to sit down at the computer!!  So i'm going to say it.... I failed!
Although I began to think about the project and decided it really isn't the project for me.  I need to put more thought behind my photographs instead of just photographing something to say I took a pic that day.  I thought about embarking on the Project 52 bandwagon also and posting a pic every week that came out really cool, but again I decided that may be a little too forced also.  So instead (as usual) as I get cool pics and want to show them off, I will post them.  Sometimes there may be some, sometimes maybe not.  I decided I was never good at deadlines anyway I work way better under pressure!!!

Back to what most of you actually came here for, the kids!!

This was taken about a week before Christmas.  I was actually surprised that the boys didn't squeeze her to death!!  They sure looked cute all dressed up for the church Christmas program that I couldn't let a photo op like this pass me by!!! Aren't they cute!!!!  Bristol looks a little scared, but I think that now she can hold her own!!  The boys sure do love their sister!!!

Will turned 6 on January 19th.  He woke up asking Drew if he was bigger now that he was 6.  Drew asked him if his shirt felt smaller and he said he so Drew told him he must be getting bigger!!  He also made it a point that he had to take all 30 (yes I said 30) cupcakes to school all by himself.  He had to take them on the bus and did not want any help getting them to school.  He made according to his teacher, she said he walked in the classroom, yelled "I have cupcakes" and went and sat down.  He was so good all day, she said that he never even asked if he could have a cupcake until the end of the day!  He got to wear a crown at school an he thought he was pretty hot stuff.  He chose to go to the pancake store for his birthday dinner, (IHOP) and was given a huge hot chocolate while he had dinner with Mom, Dad, Wyatt, Bristol and Grandma Ann.

After dinner we came home and had cake and Ice Cream and his cake was a Transformers-Optimus Prime cake that was pretty cool!!  

Wyatt has been doing great!  He got a hockey goal and two little sticks for Christmas and plays hockey in the kitchen pretty much every day.  He can't wait to play hockey and we are hoping to be able to get him to start playing next fall.  He needs to learn how to skate first though.  Drew took him the other day to skate downtown and Drew said that he did pretty well.  We will have to see where this takes us!!
Wyatt has also been jabbering up a storm lately!  He loves to tell us stories and he loves to talk to Bristol and tell her all sorts of things.  I would have to say that they are pretty good pals!!!!!!

Wyatt did experience the lovely wrath of Pink Eye over the new year.  He really looked like he was on the losing end of a really good fight.  He then gave it to his best pal Bristol! She had it in both eyes and was miserable for a day or so and then Bristol gave it to me!!  Mine lasted about a week and made me look like I had been on a drinking binge for about a week!  It appears to finally be over now and for that I am grateful!

Bristol is growing faster than anything else I have ever seen!  The little girl is about 12 pounds and is rolling over from her back to her belly and sometimes back to her back again!  She has been so much fun to play with as she is so smiley and giggly now!  We started her on some cereal with applesauce (canned by my dad) and have also given her some bananas.  Boy does this girl love bananas!!!!! She is a really good eater and I hope that she stays that way!!!  She certainly rules the roost in this house that is for sure!

Our friends Zach and Jenny came for a visit with their little boy Clayton. They are about 4 months apart and Jenny and I have decided that Clay and Bristol should be married someday so that we both know that we will like our in-laws.  Besides the kids would be super cute together!  Here are some pics of Bristol and her first boyfriend!!

Well gotta go for now, got a little girl that wants her mama!!  I love this life!!!!!

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