Tuesday, December 30, 2008

What's been going on

I knew I wouldnt be able to post until Christmas, just like I said in the last post!! But here I am getting one last one in before the new year and yes I will try to be better in the next year about posting more!!! Since last time quite a few things have happened. Halloween came and these were the two most adorable kids in town as you can see.... (they went as Shrek and Boots)

Will didnt want to go at first, and he really didnt want to wear the green face paint but after he saw himself he was all for it. When I asked him if he was done trick or treating he said "no done". We also went to a wedding in Sioux Falls in October and we stayed at a motel that had a pirate ship for a water park. Will loved it and had a great time. We could barely get him out of the water!!
Other than those adventure we have stuck pretty close to home. The boys dont let me keep the house clean anymore and you can see all the fun that I have had cleaning up after them......

See how much fun we have been having around here. They did the flour and the oatmeal (at least Will did) two days in a row. The cereal was a bit later. The certainly know how to keep me busy.
Will is doing good he is talking alot more and is starting to to repeat the things that we say. Not all of them are good but he has started to make sentences and tell us more of what he wants. He especially likes chocolate milk and creamy chicken noodle soup. He has started to "help"around the house by putting his stuff away and then pulling everything back out and making a bigger mess. But he is a bigger help now and he sure does love his brother. He likes to give him lots of hugs and kisses and he really likes to help feed him. He does make sure that Wyatt knows what toys he cant play with by pushing him or just taking them away but it doesnt seem to bother Wyatt too much.

Mickey Mouse is huge in our house right now, we cant do anything unless Mickey Mouse is involved. We watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse at least 3 times a day, sing the hot dog song, and watch the kids dance to the theme song when it comes on. They are pretty cute to watch
Wyatt is getting big. He is really crusing around and getting into mischief. He is the biggest little piggie I have ever seen. This kid eats all day long, although you would never know it. He eats anything and ususally cant get enough. Im scared to know what he will be like as a teenager. He already eats more than Will does. At his last check up he was 20 lbs 13 oz and 31.5 inches long. he is in the 95th percentile for his height and in the 25th for his weight. I think that the kid has a hollow leg.

I will post Wyatt's birthday party and Christmas in my next post (which will be soon!!) and I will also have somevideo's to put in that one, I still have to upload them to my computer from my new camera!!!!!
Enjoy the pics

Saturday, October 11, 2008

All sorts of new stuff going on here!!

Bath buddies

Snug as bugs in a rug

Since the last post so many things have been happening here it will justify why it has taken so long for me to post again. I imagine I will start from the last post and report that Wyatt now has two teeth. His two bottom front teeth came in at the exact same time. They came in on August 29th and we havent seen any more since. But let me tell you he sure has decided if there is "big" people food around you better give some to him. He gets pretty upset if he doesn't get a few bites in.
GGma Swisher and Wyatt; I like chicken!!

Will has been talking more and more and we get to hear all sorts of good stuff. He is getting so big it is scary. He is outgrowing all of clothes and now that we are potty training all of his pants are too short to fit in the waist. So that should be fun finding pants for the talking giant. His potty training is still in progress, he is going some days with no accidents and other days where he does it on purpose. We are trying to stay patient but it sure is hard when he does well on some days and throws it out the window on other days. I will give Will credit for this, he does have his aim down so that makes it a little easier!!!

Oh Mom

Drew and I left the kids with Ann for a few days so that we could go to Denver for my birthday. Zack and Jenny (our friends) went too. We went to a Broncos game and it was awesome, we even got a little sunburnt. We stayed for 2 days and we went to a Brazilian steakhouse for dinner one night and it was the coolest resturant that I have ever been to. The brought out ever kind of meat I could think of and the brought it out on HUGE scewers. It was awesome, I cant wait to go again. We had a great time and I thought that I was in heaven while we were there since I got 8 hrs of uninterupted sleep 2 nights in a row. Yea!! Unfortunatly we have no pictures from our trip becausue I forgot my memory card in my computer at the hotel room. Oops!

Grandma Ann and boys

My friend Steph was in town from California with her daughter that turned 3 and they had a birthday party for her that Will and Wyatt got to go to. We ended up leaving early since we hadn't had our naps yet and it was showing. I think that Will enjoyed it, I just wish he could have had his nap. We have had lots of family visiting from all over laetly and lots of dinners to go to. So that has kept us busy too.

The big news around here though is that Wyatt has started walking. He took his first steps the day before he turned 9 months old. I have a feeling that we are going to be in for it with that one. He is so cute to watch though because he even looks excited to be able to walk. Im not sure how much longer my house is going to survive once he can catch Will. They are playing together alot more now and of course fighting too. Will gets a little upset when Wyatt plays with his toys but he is getting better. Im not sure that Will is quite ready for everything that Wyatt can do now either. I hopefully will have a video of him walking soon. I accidently dropped my cell phone in the toilet the other day and have to wait a few days before I get a new one. I told the guy at the store that my son did it, I dont think that he believed me.

Playing with my farm

Since we got back we have just been busy with everyday stuff, we got a new couch for our living room so we have a bunch of rearranging to do!!. Other than that just the same old stuff. I will try to post again before Christmas since my track record would probably put me there Enjoy the pictures!!!

The picture of Will with his nose in the corner is our new form of punishment, it is so hard not to laugh at him though because he repeats the word "nose" while he is standing there until he is allowed to move.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

We've been busy

Even though we havent gone anywhere for vacation this summer it sure has been busy around here lately. The boys have been busy causing mischief all over the house and amongst each other, which is to be expected. Wyatt is now quite a crusier and seems to get into everything. Of course he has his big brother to watch and Will is not the best role model for staying out of trouble. As you can see from the pic below this is what Wyatt has to learn from.....

Will decided he needed to look out the window while I was changing Wyatt's diaper and being the monkey that he is climbed up the drawers to see the backyard. Sometimes I catch him sitting in the sink "cleaning" it according to him. Hopefully he will continue to want to "help" with the dishes that will soon be in that sink.

Will is getting so big though, he is really starting to talk and has been communicating his favorite foods to us like "pop tart" which sounds like "tot tart", "milk" which requires him to get the Hersheys syrup out of the fridge because he wants chocolate milk, and his new obsession with chicken nuggets that are shaped like dinosaurs. He tells us who he wants to watch when he is ready to watch TV and he is becoming polite when he wants to be. If you pass a McDonalds or are int he drivethru for fast food he immediatly says "french fries" and thank you after you have ordered them. Spoiled much?
We went down to Hermosa for a parade a couple weeks ago and Will got to ride his cousins horse. At first he didn't want to get on top of the horse, then after he finnaly got up there he wouldn't touch the horse only the saddlehorn. My sister led hiim around a little and then he wouldn't get off. Later that day we went to my dad;s house and went out to check on the cows since Will's new thing is that anything that isnt a dog that stand on four legs is a cow. He was pretty excited and he even got to drive the truck..

Wyatt has been growing by leaps and bounds, he is now 16 lbs 1 oz and 29.5 inches long. HE is still the happiest baby and takes getting beat up pretty well. He sure is cruising around now, he like to pull himself up on everything and explore his surroundings. He is really liking to put things in a bucket and take them back out again. The kid is entertained for hours. However he sure is a mamas boy. He will only let me out him to sleep and then wont let me lay him down in his crib. If I do he wakes up about 3 minutes after I laid him down, but if I lay right next to him and dont touch him he will fall right to sleep. Go figure. He really only wants either his mama or his grandma ann if she is around then he just wants to be held. It is a good thing he is a cute kid.

When I mentioned exploring earlier, he has been watching his brother go through the dog door and one of these days he will go through it too, Im just not sure he will ever get back in.

He also got his first shiner the other day at daycare, he was playing on a chair and it got the best of him, the next picture kinda shows the bruise that was right above his right eye. It sure made him look tough, it made you wonder what the other kid looked like.

He he is being a cool guy with his glasses and pluggie

We have just been busy trying to keep stuff clean around here and everyone in one piece, Drew has slowed down a little now so he is home more, which is nice. Nothing new with me, I was sick with bronchitus a few weeks ago and I think my lungs are still recovering but oter than that we are still boring. Will post again soon, (hopefully)

Monday, July 28, 2008

Funny Boys

Well again it has been awhile since I have been able to get on here and post anything, I am surprized at just how much busier I really am. These boys sure can keep you busy!!

Will is still trying to potty train, and Im not sure what has happened lately but at first the only plce that he would go potty is at home. He wouldn't go anywhere else. Then all of the sudden he decided to start going at daycare and will no longer go at home or anywhere else. He will usually go in the morning after he wakes up but after that it is pretty difficult to get him to go again. I have even tried to offer more M&M's for going and still he wont go. He has been showing plenty of signns that he is ready, i just think he is being stubborn. (He gets that from his dad!) He has been expanding his vocabulary even more now,he says all sorts of things. Some we can understand, some we still can't but he is talking better everyday.

He has been going swimming alot and has become quite the fish in the water. Grandma bought him a Lighting McQueen suit that looks like a body suit and has the floatie things built in around the chest and since he figured out that he can float, he has loved to swim. He has a better farmer tan than his dad and his Uncle Adam.

Wyatt has gone from a baby to a little boy in like one week. Within three days the kid sat up all by himself, started crawling like he is supposed to, and started to pull himself up on the furniture all in three days. Now when he takes off he really goes, it seems as though now, Will goes one way and Wyatt goes the other and they are both really fast. Wyatt had a check up on the 28th and is 29.5 inches long and in the 95th percentile for his height, (he didn't get that from his mom) and weighes 16 lbs 1 oz and is in the 10th percentile for his weight. The doctor told me not to worry about him since he is so active and seems to be ahead of himself developmentally. He is a really good eater so I think he is going to be a tall thin guy. He is still the smiliest baby and seems to always be happy, even after he got three shots!!!

we havent done a whole lot lately, weve been swimming alot and when we are not doing that we are just staying home trying to keep cool. I will try to post sooner than this last one, it is just amazing how fast the time goes by. enjoy the pics!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Boys will be Boys

Here I am again wondering how the time has flown by so fast and I haven't posted on here for almost a month. I guess that trying to keep two boys from injuring themselves takes up more time than I realize. Things here have been alright, since Memorial Day weekend our area has had a lot of rain, which unfortunately ended up in our basement. We didn't have anything valuable ruined except the carpet in the spare room that Adam is living in. So it could have been much worse. The plus side is that we haven't had to water out grass at all yet and that everything is so green it is unbelievable. It looks amazing here right now.

It has been a busy month for us here. We have started to potty train Will, which is not very easy to do. He got the hang of it in about 2 days, but since then is not always the best at letting us know when he needs to go potty. The alternative to that is that he wants to go potty all the time, since he gets a M&M if he goes in the potty. He was doing really well and then he fell off the wagon and we aren't back on quite yet, and of course he will usually only go for mommy so that makes it fun too.

Will also got to go and see his favorite cartoon at the moment. Thomas the Train came to Hill City and we took him up there on father's day to ride he train and play. He absolutely loved it and as you can see he takes his train rides seriously. He ran straight for Thomas when he first saw him and kept saying choo choo train. He was scared of Sir Topham Hatt though, he screamed when they were there getting their picture, the one you see was the only one I could get. He had a great time and was pooped after being there only 2 hours. I never thought I would see the day that I didn't have to watch Word World 5 times a day, and now I think that Thomas might drive me nuts as we have to watch all waking hours of the day.

So serious on the train

Scared of Sir Topham Hatt

Watching the train ride

Waving from the train car

Will also had a life changing event happen when he let Drew buzz his head. He has always been scared of the clippers when he gets his hair cut and finally he let Drew shave it all off after he saw daddy do it. It was not the cut I had in mind, I wanted "spikey" hair. Needless to say that if Drew shaves his head again there will be more hair on my son's head than there is now. That is if I let Drew shave his head again. Drew will contest that I told him to do it this way, but do any of you see "spikey" out of this haircut?? Didn't think so.

Wyatt has been growing by leaps and bounds. He has really discovered his voice now and is sure to let us hear it at every opportunity. He is trying to sit up but isn't very good with the balance thing yet, he tend to topple over alot still. However the little bugger has begun to crawl. I have never seen a baby this little creep or crawl like this child does. Man if he sees something that he wants he will get to it. he doesn't even really bother with rolling all over the place to get where he wants, he just scoots now.

He sure is cute with his toothless grin as he is trying to talk to us now. He has even been trying to stand on his own, but the balance thing gets him everytime. He is eating baby food like its going out of style and is going to eat me out of the house when he is older.

That is about all the buzz going on here, I attached some cute videos, Will trying to ski on our Wii and the others are of Wyatt jumping or crawling. Also enjoy the kissing pics.

Post more soon. Enjoy!!

Sleeping Pluggie Boys