Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day from our house. We kept it pretty quiet this year staying home and spending the evening together. Drew bought steak and we rented Ratatouille for Will to watch. Wyatt got a bath and sported his little monkey bathrobe he got from Auntie Candi, Shenea and Chesney. He was a pretty goodlooking kid!!! Will received many valentine's from the kids at daycare, and made out pretty good with the ladies. Both boys got balloons and a treat from Auntie Mary Ann and appropriatly she gave Will a little devil balloon. I think she really knows the real Will.

I can prove it too because this was the way he woke up the other day:

This week Will's vocabulary has gotten a little bigger too. He has told us many things such as "No way", "salad", and his favorite show Word World, which he calls "woo woo". He is pretty funny when he tries to carry on a conversation with you or when he wants something and you can't understand him. He is really getting big and getting very independant. Hopefully he doesnt grow up too fast.

Wyatt is smiling allot these days and we are waiting anyday now to hear him laugh. He is such a good baby and is sleeping through the night about 3-4 times a week. He is starting to fill out in his face and looks like he has chubby cheeks every now and then. He is getting so big, I cant believe that he is 2 mths old already. Here are some picture of him from this week:

This week Drew and I also made another addition to our house................... a 52" big screen TV to watch all those Broncos games on in the fall. when we hooked it up the first movie we put in was Cars and I thought that Will was gonna pee his pants. He was so excited that all he could do was point and and giggle at the TV. we videoed it because he was so funny.

Of course the big screen was not enough, we also purchased a Nontendo Wii and had a Wii party that night with my family. It was pretty comical watching Madyson and my Dad race each other on the cow game. After everyone left that night Will got his chance to box and actually knocked the guy down. I think it was the cutest thing I ever saw.

That is all that is going on with us, Im sure there will be more adventures next week.

1 comment:

David said...

Nothing better than a big screen HDTV! except watching people play the Wii.