Tuesday, September 7, 2010

William "Preschooler" Simmons

Yes, boots and shorts, I know,I know--but how can you not love this!!

Catchy isn't it!!!

Hard to believe....yes I know!!

So long to our controlled schedule, one stop drop off-pick up (daycare), don't have to worry about going here or there (except on holidays) kinda lifestyle!!!

Yes, tomorrow our little boy lifestyle will change to big boy preschooler and little boy lifestyle!!
We register Will tomorrow for his Preschool class at Cinnamon Hill Preschool.
He is so excited, he has been wanting to start for a month, I swear.  He seems to be ready to go, I don't know if he will be able to contain himself tomorrow, but I hope that he likes it there!

According to Will the last 2 nights that I have tucked him into bed, he has told me:
Will:  "Mama" "Mama" "I got something to tell you" 
Me: "What is it?" 
Will: " A big change" 
Me: "What" 
Will: "A big change is coming Mom, a big one!"

This is kinda eerie coming from a 4 1/2 year old.  Does he have some premonition power that we are un-aware of?  I took it as a good thing and I told him that the change was him.  That he would no longer be a little boy but a big "preschooler" boy.  He seemed pretty excited about that. I've seen some changes in him that prove that he is becoming a big boy and he amazes me everyday.

It is the night before I register my little boy for preschool and I didn't think that it would bother me very much because I am excited for him to go, but I have to admit, I'm a little sad thinking that this is our last night "schoolless"  It is a big deal when you think about sending your kid off to any school, (even if it is just preschool). I know that he will be fine and do great, I just wonder how Drew and I are going to manage when it comes to scheduling and who will pick up who etc.  I will no longer be just 'Mama" but will now get to own the title of "Will's mom" to all the kids at preschool.  It is amazing to me how the time has flown and that he was just a baby not that long ago. 

When Will said that there is a "big change"  I think that he knew that meant me too!!!  I can't believe that I have a kid old enough to be in preschool and that we get to begin all the busy-ness that brings into your life.  I am excited to watch him grow up and become an even bigger little boy, but am nervous of all the scheduling and coordinating that will entail.  I know that we will get the hang of it, but for the last 4 and 1/2 years we haven't been "required" to stick to the schedule like we will now. The fact that I will now have 2 children in 2 different places seems too weird to me.  The boys have always been together and now that will change and how weird and interesting that will be.  I hope that the seperation between the 2 boys will really allow their personalities to show, instead of one influencing the other, but only time will tell.

I am so proud of Will and hope that preschool will "fit " with him and make him excited to learn and be involved in new things.  He is such a  loveable little boy and can really make your day alot brighter! (at least on a good day!)

Here are some pics of Will from the last few years:
Will  3 weeks old
Smiley guy
 3 mths old
1 year old!!!!!
how can you not love those eyes!!
Im just reading mom!!!

My beach

This summer!

How can you not love this kid!!  He sure is getting big, hopefully all goes well and hopefully in the next week or so I'll have a new post about Preschool!!
Enjoy the flash back!!!!

1 comment:

Sand Castle said...

My God he's so cute. I get a tear in my eye when I think of how fast they grow up! Crazy. Can't wait to see you all at Christmas.