Friday, January 27, 2012

3 weeks later.....

So it has been 3 weeks since I last posted something on here and I was embarking on the project 365 journey.  I am here to tell you all that I was on crack to think that I could have lived up to that challenge right now!!!  I have barely even been able to sit down at the computer!!  So i'm going to say it.... I failed!
Although I began to think about the project and decided it really isn't the project for me.  I need to put more thought behind my photographs instead of just photographing something to say I took a pic that day.  I thought about embarking on the Project 52 bandwagon also and posting a pic every week that came out really cool, but again I decided that may be a little too forced also.  So instead (as usual) as I get cool pics and want to show them off, I will post them.  Sometimes there may be some, sometimes maybe not.  I decided I was never good at deadlines anyway I work way better under pressure!!!

Back to what most of you actually came here for, the kids!!

This was taken about a week before Christmas.  I was actually surprised that the boys didn't squeeze her to death!!  They sure looked cute all dressed up for the church Christmas program that I couldn't let a photo op like this pass me by!!! Aren't they cute!!!!  Bristol looks a little scared, but I think that now she can hold her own!!  The boys sure do love their sister!!!

Will turned 6 on January 19th.  He woke up asking Drew if he was bigger now that he was 6.  Drew asked him if his shirt felt smaller and he said he so Drew told him he must be getting bigger!!  He also made it a point that he had to take all 30 (yes I said 30) cupcakes to school all by himself.  He had to take them on the bus and did not want any help getting them to school.  He made according to his teacher, she said he walked in the classroom, yelled "I have cupcakes" and went and sat down.  He was so good all day, she said that he never even asked if he could have a cupcake until the end of the day!  He got to wear a crown at school an he thought he was pretty hot stuff.  He chose to go to the pancake store for his birthday dinner, (IHOP) and was given a huge hot chocolate while he had dinner with Mom, Dad, Wyatt, Bristol and Grandma Ann.

After dinner we came home and had cake and Ice Cream and his cake was a Transformers-Optimus Prime cake that was pretty cool!!  

Wyatt has been doing great!  He got a hockey goal and two little sticks for Christmas and plays hockey in the kitchen pretty much every day.  He can't wait to play hockey and we are hoping to be able to get him to start playing next fall.  He needs to learn how to skate first though.  Drew took him the other day to skate downtown and Drew said that he did pretty well.  We will have to see where this takes us!!
Wyatt has also been jabbering up a storm lately!  He loves to tell us stories and he loves to talk to Bristol and tell her all sorts of things.  I would have to say that they are pretty good pals!!!!!!

Wyatt did experience the lovely wrath of Pink Eye over the new year.  He really looked like he was on the losing end of a really good fight.  He then gave it to his best pal Bristol! She had it in both eyes and was miserable for a day or so and then Bristol gave it to me!!  Mine lasted about a week and made me look like I had been on a drinking binge for about a week!  It appears to finally be over now and for that I am grateful!

Bristol is growing faster than anything else I have ever seen!  The little girl is about 12 pounds and is rolling over from her back to her belly and sometimes back to her back again!  She has been so much fun to play with as she is so smiley and giggly now!  We started her on some cereal with applesauce (canned by my dad) and have also given her some bananas.  Boy does this girl love bananas!!!!! She is a really good eater and I hope that she stays that way!!!  She certainly rules the roost in this house that is for sure!

Our friends Zach and Jenny came for a visit with their little boy Clayton. They are about 4 months apart and Jenny and I have decided that Clay and Bristol should be married someday so that we both know that we will like our in-laws.  Besides the kids would be super cute together!  Here are some pics of Bristol and her first boyfriend!!

Well gotta go for now, got a little girl that wants her mama!!  I love this life!!!!!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Project 365 Day 1 and some other stuff...

So here is the first pic that I actually took last night.  All I am going to say about this one is "Today you shared and were best friends"  because I might need to show this to them in their future that they really did like each other at one time.

Here are a few other pics that I wanted to share from the last month.  Hope fully I will be able to write more tomorrow, I have a cranky little girl.


Organized Chaos 2012

So I felt that the blog should get a new name for this year and probably forever since ALOT has changed since the last time I posted.  (And once again I am going to try and get better this year about blogging, like I say every year) For some odd reason this title seems to depict my life perfectly right now!!!

I have a lot of plans and goals for 2012 that I am going to try and share on here as well as updates on the kids and all of the funny or not so funny stuff that goes on around here!!

I have made a challenge to myself again this year to do the Project 365 (where you take a pic everyday for a year) and try and post this to the blog.  Ill admit that I probably won't be able to get on here everyday to post the pics but I will post the pics in a group and date them.  This should be a lot of fun as I know that I have 3 good reasons to take a picture everyday anyway!  I planned on doing this yesterday, but had problems getting Drew's computer to cooperate! So I will be embarking on this adventure on here and all of you have to bear with me!!  HA HA!  hopefully I will learn something about being a better photographer for doing this!!!

So stay tuned and look for a lot of new pictures!!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Giraffes, Bumper carts and Bears, Oh My.....

I'll begin with our trip to Colorado Springs to go and see Drew's dad and stepmom and kids. We took a 4 day weekend and drove down admist Will's begging that we take an airplane to go and see them.  We took off on Thursday night to see how far that we could get.  We stopped at McDonald's on the way out of town and every thing was fine.  Wyatt spotted every cow on the side of the road and let us know until it got dark.  Will was picking fights with Wyatt until it got dark and then things were very, very quiet.  Right out side of Edgemont Will says "Mom, I threw up."  I look behind me and Will did throw up.  All over himself.  We pulled over on the side of the road and tried to clean up the mess, umm yeah with no baby wipes or anything.  Talk about prepared parents.  So we did the best that we could to clean up the mess (while undressing Will and re-dressing him on the side road in 30some degree weather) and continued on the way.  About 10 min later I hear "I have to throw up again" so Drew slams on the brakes and I fly out of the car and get Will out at light speed.  He throws up on the side of the road and we get back in and continue on.  I asurred Will that the thought of being in Wyoming gives people the feeling to throw up and he was ok with that until he did it again.  So after 3 stops on the side of the road with a puking 5 year old, he finally falls asleep and we continue on.  Thinking that the worst was over it is about Midnight and we are about 20 miles outside of Cheyenne when a freak blizzard begins. Lovely.  So I tell Drew to stop in Cheyenne and we will get a room there, get cleaned up and go the rest of the way in the morning.
    HA HA HA joke is on us apparently.  We stop at 3 ( yes I said 3) hotels to get a room and they all say (with notes on the doors) No Rooms available.  What could be going on that there are seriously no rooms?????  We stop one more place that does not have a sign (thank god) and I go in to get a room.  No luck.  I guess that the entire state of Wyoming was in Cheyenne that weekend for state debate.  Really that  many debaters?????  So I told Drew better keep going to Ft Collins, we are getting no where here.  We get gas and right before we head out again ( in the freak blizzard remember?)  what does Will do??  Throws up again.  Here we go again. however Will kept whatever he had left down and we start cruising a speedy 40 miles an hour down the interstate.  About 20 miles on the other side of Cheyenne, it quits snowing and has now turned to rain.  What a great trip.  We stopped in Ft. Collins and I go to get a room, let me add that it is about 1:30 am Friday morning.  The guy at the hotel must have known I was having the best night of my life, and decided to give me the "late night discount" on our room.  Gee Thanks. I could have cared less.  I would have paid 3x the price just for the shower alone.  We all get to the room and get some sleep and continue on in the morning.  The next morning Will is like a new kid and cant wait to see Brian and Kelly. the rest of the way there goes quite smooth and we roll into Colorado Springs about 11:00 am and things are finalluy going well.  Untill 15 min after we get there Will starts to run a fever and end up not feeling well the rest of the day.  Luckliy we didnt throw up anymore, just slept and ran a fever the whole day.  So needless to say Friday was spent just hanging out watching cartoon network all day.
  The next day we every one is fine and we went to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo.  The boys were all excited to go and feed the giraffe's until we get there and the giraffe's are seriously gigantic.  Will wasn't too interested and Wyatt hung on for dear life to Drew.  We got these wafer like things to feed them and when the giraffe got close and stole the wafer from Drew, Wyatt became quite freaked out and was screaming "Too Scared, Too Scared!"  (Note pic below)

I will admit, these things are huge and their tongues are even longer. When a giraffe's head is as big as you are, I can understand being a little "too scared"
Here are some other pics from the zoo that day:

Everyone had a good time there and we decided the next day to go to this place called Mr. Biggs to play.  The go karts were indoors and we only went on them one time. The bumper cars were fun and Will even got to drive his own, he was quite excited.  Wyatt fell in love with the little make believe area that they had, which I admit was pretty cool, but he was mostly interested in the bakery and the fake Wendy's.  Here are some pics from our fun day there:

We did take the boys bowling there for the first time. Will was pretty good and actually did beter than me on the second game.  Wyatt didnt like it at first but after he got the hang of it he seemed to enjoy it.  He could even get a 6 pound ball to go down the lane!!!

Our trip down there was alot of fun and the kids very much enjoyed seeing Brian and Kelly (oh and Grandma Mary and Grandpa Simmons).  Our trip back was much smoother and no one got sick!!  Yay for us!!!

This last weekend we went to Cub fest at Bear Country and saw the baby bears.  Both the boys actually pet the bears and weren't scared of them.  It was a little cold out but we survived.  Whew, what are we going to do next?????? 

I have some videos that need to be posted but I haven't downloaded them yet, hopefully I will get them on here soon!!  Till next time........

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Things are changing!!!!!

So we have been quite busy lately, hence my lack of blogging.  I keep saying that I am going to get better at this blogging thing and do it more often, but our lives just get sooo busy and trying to fight both boys for the computer to even check my email is about all that I get done somedays.  If you have been to our house recently you will also notice that we haven't had time to clean it either. I tell you I keep thinking that somehow things will have to slow down, but I keep finding  that we only get busier and busier!!!

We have managed to get out new master bedroom in our basement finished so I cant say that we havent been doing anything lately.  It will be nice to have extra room in our new room and a king sized bed.  Although it will be interesting to see if we get any extra room at night with kids in that bed then we did in our queen sized one. I haven't decided what is going to happen upstairs yet with the boys, as much as they beg me and I know that they would love to have bunk beds, there is this naggin feeling I have about a 3 and a 5 year old pretending to be Superman on the top bunk of the beds.  I don't know what it is about that, but visons of broken arms and legs and missing teeth are the first things that come to my mind.  So we will see, I have some other reservations about having the boys remain upstairs at night with out us up there, and if I can ever get the rest of the basement cleaned up, who knows maybe they can have some kind of room down there that we can keep an eye on them.

On the other hand, for those of you who may not know this already, we are expecting a 3rd Simmons child into our home in Septemeber.  My due date is Septemeber 20th and had this been planned I would have really opted out of being 8 mths pregnant in the hottest month of the year here. The boys are excited and are telling me that they would like a baby sister, but they will get whatever we get because I'm pretty sure there is no return policy.  Drew and I don't care either way, however if another boy should come along, we are already set.  If a little girl does come in to our lives there will be some adjusting to the color pink that we will all have to do.  With the brothers that this baby is going to have I'm pretty sure that it will be one tough little Simmons.

This again is gong to create some room issue in our house also!!  I have not decided yet how to fit all of us comfortably in our house yet so I have quite a bit of work cut out for me!!!   Im feeling pretty good these days and the only real complaint that I have is that I still feel pretty tired.  Im sure that is because I have a pretty active 3 and 5 year old boys who like to go, go go, but other than that the nauseousness that I was feeling prior is pretty much gone.  Meat and I are still having our battles but that is about the only food that I am questioning anymore that doesn't always sound good. But otherwise all is well, the boys are very excited and are anxious to help so that is going to keep things interesting.  I am just about 14 weeks and as soon as this baby starts moving Im sure the boys are going to be even more exstatic than they already are.  Are we crazy???  Maybe, but like I have been saying I am the youngest of 3 kids and I was the best one of all of us so that should mean something right!!!!!!! 

All in all our craziness is what we do best, hopefully I will get everything organized and situated soon, I mean I only have about 5 mths to get it all done, so I am hoping that will give me plenty of time.  Will is still doing great at preschool although I fear the summer when school is over because he loves going so much and making new friends that when that is gone for 3 months I hope that he will be OK with it.  We register him for Kindergarten soon and I found out that the school that he will be going to has an all-day kindergarten program that I am going to try and get him into.  I think he would enjoy it more and that it would be better for him since he loves school so much.  It may also fulfill his life long dream of riding the school bus, because he can be bussed from our house to his school.  That is probably going to be the highlight of his life at that point, no stinkin' new brother or sister!!!!!

Wyatt, has just become a brut.  He can be the cutest little thing you ever saw and say the cutest little thing and then turn around and either be so incredibly mean to his brother or throw the biggest tantrum you have ever seen.  Although we are required to keep him, there have been days lately I think that we all have wanted to give him away.  He is growing so much and he is almost as big as Will is, in fact he can wear most of Will's shirts.  He is talking so much now and man does he have some attitude!!!!  He better figure out when he should be using that and when he shouldn't!!!!!  He is a good kid but being 3 just isnt easy appearently and he is letting us know that everyday!!!

Drew is getting busier at the ice plant and getting ready for the summer.  Luckily he will be just getting finished with his busy season when the baby gets here so I will have him to help me juggle all these kids!!!!  Things are good, and obvisously busy!!  We just have alot of changes coming our way!!!  Will post some pics soon!!!!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

New Year, New Look

As you can see some things on the blog changed!!!  Like that it was updated!! YAY!  Ha ha ha!!
But I'm sure that most of you blog followers notice that things look a little different than the last time that you visited.  I decided that we needed a new look this year and this one caught my eye.  Not sure if it is "boy-ish" enough for Will and Wyatt but until they start updating this site they don't get to pick.  And if their lack of picking up their toys and keeping things clean is any sign of how often they can keep up with things, I'm pretty sure that I will be the sole voice on this blog for a long long time!

Anyways, to the stuff that you come here for..................

So Will is doing awesome at preschool and is so excited about learning and making new friends. He wakes up each morning and asks if he is going to school that day and also who is going to pick him up.  He usually throws a fit when I tell him that Daddy is going to pick him up.  He loves the days that Grandma picks him up and I think I a m coming in a close second to Grandma on the days that I get to pick him up.  He is growing up so much, especially the way that he talks.  He is asking us more questions every day and has all these new "quotes" for us. They usually make us laugh..........
  • Will:  "You wanna piece of meat?"  aka: meaning : You wanna piece of me?
  • He likes to call people : "Squid lips"  Not sure where this came from, but funny to hear him try to say it!
  • " I got a soggy pants brother" Again not sure where this came from, but he likes to refrence Wyatt with this one.
  • "Remember mama, like last year" or " last morning" because he can remember that far back.
Since he has turned 5 he has decided to dress himself with no help at all and does a pretty good job.  He is even getting Wyatt into dressing himself too! He is getting so much better at sharing and being nicer to his brother and I am so thankful to preschool for that!!!!  I can't believe how big he is getting and I can't believe that I am about to start looking at Kindergarten information for him!!!  How the time has flown!!!

Wyatt is very strong willed and pretty much think that it is his way or the highway.  He is getting pretty big and is almost wearing Will's clothes now.  He is following his big brother around alot and trying to be just like him.  He is talking even more now and we can figure out what he is sayimg most of the time.  Wyatt tends to get frustrated if you cant figure out what he is trying to say and that is when he temper begins to show.  I have a feeling the kid is going to be explaining himself alot in his future!!!  He is doing really good at daycare and doesn't seem to miss Will much when he is gone, which is good!!  We hope that this means that he is growing up a little!!!

Both Boys had a great Christmas and great birthdays too!  Our house looks like Toys R Us threw up in it, but of course they boys think that they are in heaven.  Mom on the other hand not so much.  Its hard to keep up with 3 messy boys and 2 messy dogs in the house.  Oh well, as is life!!!

Drew recently decided to pass on his family tradition of showing the boys the movie "Ernest Scared Stupid".  As you have already guessed, it was a hit and now all I get to listen to/watch is Ernest.  Thank You Drew, for getting us off the Care Bears movie to Ernest.  At this point, I cant tell you anymore which one is worse.  However, Ive had my fill of both for quite some time, and we are only on our first Ernest movie.  Again, Thank You Drew!!

Other than trygin to keep the house clean and the laundry caught up, things here are about the same.  Still as busy as ever and cant figure out why!!!  Someday I will get caught up, Lord only knows when that will be, well enjoy some of the pics!!!  (Will add more pics soon, as soon as I get them caught up!!  hee heee!)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

29 Forever

As I sit here on the eve before my 30th birthday, dreading every minute of its approach, I cant help but think of my "roaring" twenties.  Although I have heard that the 30"s are the new "20's", I'm not sure that I am sold. I had so much fun in my 20's that I am really sad to see them go.  I learned so much, accomplished so much, lost so much and gained so much I cant imagine what my 30's could bring.  My 20's began probably the worst point of my life (thus far) and then I found out that my mom had cancer and lost her within months.  At the same time I gained my best friend, who has been with me since I was 20. (feels like longer!) Turned 21 and had a lot of fun that year!  Decided to go back to school at 22 and got engaged,planned a wedding at 23, got married at 24, experienced the wonder of carrying a child for 9 mths at 25,bought a house and changed careers, graduated from college at 26, again had another child at 27 and decided to take years 28 and 29 off!!!  What an eventful decade!!! Nothing like doing it all at once! How will my 30's ever compare? 

I'm sure that there will be new experiences that I haven't even thought of that will amaze me again in the next 10 years but to now say that I am 30 brings a feeling of grownupness that I'm not sure that I am ready for.
Even though there is no way to stop it from happening, turning 30 just changes you.  you are now classified as "thirtysomething" and have a whole new set of expectations from the world.  Oh well, I guess that it is just time to embrace the fact that I'm old.  There I said it. I'm old!! 

In some aspects it cracks me up to think that when my mom was 30, I wasn't even here yet.  How did she ever know that the best thing that would ever happen to her would be me!  And that was in her 30's so I guess Im still holding out some hope!!!

I guess all in all I should be celebrating that I am turning 30 instead of whining about it, but I think honestly Im gonna stay 29 Forever.  My dad always told me that he was 29 and I always thought that was so stupid that he said that.  Now I TOTALLY understand.  What a smart man!!!!!

Anyways, I'm 30 now, not much I can do about it but be happy that I have a wonderful husband and 2 awesome little boys to spend my 30's with and a large group of friends and family to remind me that I'm not getting any younger!!!!!!!